
Liberalism Vs. Conservatism and Libertarianism Essay

Decent Essays

In America, there are three major civic stances: conservatism, liberalism, and libertarianism. The liberal stance is the only stance, which offers the foundation to move forward. The following paper will briefly explain, certain aspects of conservatism and libertarianism, and will advance the idea, America must move forward with a more liberal attitude. At heart, this writing will argue a strong government is of the utmost importance in moving this country forward to the future. While other political agendas advocate liberty and freedom, the liberal stance truly offers a realistic approach and method of achieving those aspects of American life.

Essentially, liberalism is a political philosophy that stresses individual liberty, …show more content…

Conservatives also consider it important to regulate individual behavior in order to encourage a return to a certain morality. Along with this conservative morality is an agenda that is against sexual education and birth control. In fact, conservatives believe government is to blame for the increase of the incidence of teenage premarital sex in the last few years.

For liberals, people want changes, they want to be able to express themselves and more than anything else, they want their freedom. Yet, in many ways, conservatism is the barrier to that kind of life. Moreover, is it the governments place to dedicate morality? This is a transgression on the boundary, which is church and state. Sex education is an attempt to educate teens about sexuality in order to help them make better, more pragmatic, and mature decisions regarding their sexuality. Where is the logic in denying that teens need sex education? In addition, the conservative view of the market having more power than the government is a means to exploit the less wealthy, regular, tax-paying citizens of this country. E.J. Dionne Jr. argues against this saying, ?In a society characterized by growing economic inequality, the dangers of making the marketplace the sole arbiter of the basic elements of a decent life are especially large? (P.260). Doing so could put

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