
Are Online High School Good Or Bad

Decent Essays

Are Online High school courses a good or bad thing? Are online high school courses a good or a bad thing? Some people believe it only allows the student or students to fall back on their school work and others believe it offers them flexibility and convenience. Online high school courses help certain families and students according to their situation and their financial status. Some people believe that online high school courses are not a good thing. There are some parents who believe their child may not feel obligated to do their work and fall back on their assignments. They also think that the students will go online and get their answers from the internet and not learn anything. These parents argue that some of the students may not have the self-motivation to do their work. Other parents argue that if your child prioritizes and sets goals they will accomplish their work. These parents also argue that the students be monitored while working. So, are online courses a good or bad thing? …show more content…

Online high school courses provide flexibility for teens with an unusual schedule ( example, if your child has newborn or is an expecting a child they are able to still finish school and take care of their needs with his or her child. Taking these courses helps your child be with his or her own child or even work to provide their child with he or she needs. Doing online courses also can help some students make up for missed credits. If for some reason your child hasn’t gotten all of his or her credits they can take those courses at his or her own pace and get their high school

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