Sir James George Frazer (1854–1941). The Golden Bough. 1922.
Subject Index
Tyrol, the, witches in, 234; disposal of loose hair in, 237; wedding-ring as amulet in, 243; customs at threshing in, 429; the last thresher in, 449, 456; “burning out the witches” in, 560, 622; Lenten fires in, 612; Midsummer fires in, 625; fernseed in, 705 |
Ualaroi, the, of the Darling River, 692 |
Uap, island of, taboos observed by fishermen in, 218 |
Uea, one of the Loyalty Islands, 185 |
Uganda, 208; priest inspired by tobacco smoke in, 95; taboos observed by father of twins in, 227; king’s brothers burnt in, 286; human scapegoats in, 543, 565; king of, 543, 565, 593 |
Ukraine, ceremony to fertilise the fields on St. George’s Day in the, 137 |
Uliase, East Indian island, 191, 196 |
Ulster, taboos observed by the ancient kings of, 173 |
Umbrians, ordeal of battle among the, 158 |
Unconquered Sun, Mithra identified with the, 358 |
Universal healer, mistietoe called, 659 |
Unmatjera tribe of Central Australia, 693 |
Unreason, Abbot of, 586 |
Upsala, sacred grove at, 110; festival at, 279; sacrifice of king’s sons at, 290; human sacrifices at, 354 |
Upulero, the spirit of the sun, 14 |
Ur, the fourth dynasty of, 104 |
Urua, divinity claimed by the chief of, 98 |
Valerius Soranus, 262 |
Vampyres, need-fire kindled as a safeguard against, 641, 649 |
Vancouver Island, 599 |
Vedijovis, she-goat sacrificed to, 392 |
Vegetable and animal life associated in the primitive mind, 325 |
Vegetation, homoeopathic influence of persons on, 29; spirit of, 124, 125, 127–129, 131; influence of the sexes on, 135–139; men and women masquerading as the spirits of, 140; marriage of the powers of, 146; death and revival of the spirit of, 300, 315, 318–319; perhaps generalised from a tree-spirit, 315–316, 339; growth and decay of, 324, 385; decay and revival of, in the rites of Adonis, 337; gardens of Adonis charms to promote the growth of, 341, 342; Attis as a god of, 352; Osiris as a god of, 381, 385; decay and growth of, conceived as the death and resurrection of gods, 385; ancient deities of, as animals, 464–479; Mars a deity of, 578; spirit of, burnt in effigy, 651; reasons for burning a deity of, 651; leaf-clad representative of the spirit of, burnt, 652; view that victims of the Druids represented spirits of, 658 |
“Veins of the Nile,” 371 |
Veleda, a deified woman, 97 |
Vendée, custom of threshing in, 406 |
Venison, ill effect of eating, 496 |
Venus (Aphrodite) and Adonis, 5, 7, 8 |
Venus, the planet, identified with Astarte, 346, 370 |
Vermin, from hair returned to their owner, 236; propitiated by farmers, 530; exorcised with torches, 647 |
Verres, Roman governor, 397 |
Vervain, 17, 623, 624 |
Vesta, temple of, 3, 704; perpetual fire of, 3, 665 |
Vestal fire, 3; at Nemi, 163, 164 |
—— Virgins, 3, 153, 235, 478, 493 |
Vestals, 4, 145 |
Victoria, Queen, worshipped in Orissa, 100 |
Victoria, aborigines of, 45, 252; sex totems in, 688 |
Victoria Nyanza, Lake, 87 |
Vine, the cultivation of, introduced by Osiris, 362, 380; in relation to Dionysus, 386 |
Vintage song, Phoenician, 425, 442 |
Violets sprung from the blood of Attis, 348 |
Virbius, 4, 5, 8, 141, 163, 164, 301, 476, 707 |
Virgin, the Heavenly, mother of the Sun, 358 |
Virgin Mary and Isis, 383 |
—— mothers, tales of, 347 |
Virgins, sacrifice of, 146, 370 |
Vitu Levu, Fijian island, 695 |
Vitzilipuztli, a great Mexican god, 488 |
Voigtland, locks unlocked at childbirth in, 239; bonfires on Walpurgis Night in, 622 |
Volga, sacred groves among the tribes of the, 111 |
Vomiting, homoeopathic cure for, 16; as a religious rite, 485 |
Vosges, the, disposal of cut hair and nails in, 236; harvest customs in, 449; Midsummer fires in, 629, 645; cats burnt alive on Shrove Tuesday in, 656 |
Vosges Mountains, the, May customs in, 121; “catching the cat” in, 453 |
Voyages, telepathy in, 24 |
Wadai, Sultan of, 200, 273 |
Wageia of East Africa, 215 |
Wagogo of East Africa, 23, 72, 85, 495 |
Wagtail, the yellow, in magic, 15, 16 |
Waizganthos, an old Prussian god, 288 |
Wajagga of East Africa, 237 |
Wakanda, a spirit, 216 |
Wakelbura of Australia, 180, 603 |
Wakondyo of Central Africa, 76 |
Walber, the, 126, 127 |
Waldemar I., King of Denmark, 89 |
Wales, belief as to death at ebb tide in, 35; harvest customs in, 403; falling sickness transferred to fowls in, 545; Beltane fires in, 620; Midsummer fires in, 630, 646; Hallowe’en fires in, 635; mistletoe in, 661, 663 |
Walhalla, mistletoe growing east of, 608 |
Wallachia, crown of last ears of corn worn by girl at harvest in, 341 |
Walos of Senegambia, 660 |
Walpurgis Day in Upper Franken, 616 |
—— Night, witches abroad on, 560, 622; annual expulsion of witches on, 561 |
Wambugwe of East Africa, 72, 84 |
Wandorobbo of East Africa, 219 |
Wanika of East Africa, 112 |
War, telepathy in, 25–27; rules of ceremonial purity observed in, 210; continence in, 210–212 |