
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

pinch emergency 8 contract 195 pain 378 chill 385 need 630 difficulty 704 grudge 819 hurt morally 830 (insufficiency 640) at a – 704 jack at a – 711 – of snuff 643 where the shoe -es 830 pinchbeck sham 545 jewelry 847 pinched [see pinch] thin 203 poor 804 – with hunger 865 pinchfist 819 pinchgut 819 pinching cold 383 miserly 819 Pindaric 597 pine tree 367 disease 655 dejection 837 suffer in mind 828 – away 837 – for 865 pineapple 298, 369 pinery 371 pingpong photograph 554 game 840 pin grass 367 pinguid 355 pinguify 355 pinhole 260 pinion fasten 43 wing 267 instrument 633 restrain 751 fetter 752 pink indent 257 pierce 260 thrust 276 color 434 perfection 650 glory 873 pink of beauty 845 – courtesy 894 – fashion 852 – perfection 650 – politeness 894 pin money 800 pinna 418 pinnace 273 pinnacle 210 pinprick 180a, 643 pins legs 266 – and needles bodily pain 378 numb 381 mental pain 828 pioneer precursor 64 leader 234 agriculture 371 teacher 540 prepare 673 pious 987 – fraud untruth 546 false piety 988 pipe tube 260 conduit 350 vent 351 sound 410 cry 411 music 416, 417 weep 839 no – no dance 812 – of peace 721 – one’s eye 839 -s stridor 410 pipe clay habit 613 strictness 739 piped 260 pipe dream 458, 515 pipelaying 626 piper 416 pay the – aid 707 payment 807 piping – hot 382 – time peace 721 prosperity 734 pipkin 191 piquant pungent 392style 574 impressive 821 pique excite 824 pain 830 hate 898 anger 900 – oneself pride 878 piracy 773 piragua 273 pirate plagiarize 788 steal 791 thief 792 pirogue 273 pirouette inversion 218 evolution 312 turn a – 607 Pisa, tower of – 217 pis-aller substitute 147 piscatorial 366 pisciculture 370 piscina drain 350 altar 1000 piscine 350 pish! absurd 497 trifling 643 excitable 825 irascible 901 pistareen 643 piste 551 pistol 727 Pistol 887 pistol shot 197 piston 263 pit deep 208 hole 252 opening 260 grave 363 theater 599 abyss 667 bottomless – 982 – against opposition 708 discord 713 – against one another 464 – of Acheron 982 pitapat agitation 315 rattle 407 feeling 821 excitation 824 pitapatation 315 pitch degree 26 term 71 location 184 height 206 summit 210 verticality 212 obliquity 217 throw 284 descent 306 depression 308 reel 314 resin 356a musical413 black 431 have absolute – 416 – and toss 621 – dark 421 – into attack 716 contend 720 punish 972 – of one’s breath 411 – one’s tent 292 – overboard 782 – upon reach 292 discover 480a choose 609 get 775 touch – 653 pitched battle 720 pitcher 191 pitchfork vehicle 273 throw 284 rain -s 348 pitch pipe 417 piteous painful 830 piteously much 31 pitfall snare 545 danger 667 pith gist 5 strength 159 interior 221 center 222 meaning 516 important part 642 pithless 158 pithy meaning 516 concise 572 vigorous 574 pitiable bad 649 painful 830 contemptible 930 pitied, to be – 828 pitiful unimportant 643 bad 649 disrepute 874 pity 914 pitiless 914a revengeful 919 (malevolent 907) pittance quantity 25 dole 640 allotment 786 income 810 pitted blemish 848 pituitous 352 pity 914 express – 915 for -’s sake 914 what a – regret 833 lament 839 pivot junction 43 cause 153 support 215 axis 312 pivotal 222 pix box 191 assay 563 rites 998 pixy 979 pizzicato 415 placable 918 placard 531 placate pacify 723 forgive 918 place circumstances 8 order 58 arrange 60 term 71 occasion 134 situation 182, 183 locate 184 abode 189 office 625 invest 787 sell 796 rank 873 give – to 623 have – 1 – in 183 in – of 147 make a – for 184 out of – 185 – in order 60 – itself 58 – to one’s credit 805 – upon record 551 – under include 76 take – 151 place hunter 767 placeman 758 placenta 63 placentals 368 placet 741 placid 826 placket 260 plafond 223 plagiarism imitation 19 borrowing 788 theft 791 plagiarist 792 plagiarize [see plagiarism] plagihedral 217 plague disease 655 pain 828 worry 830 – of sighing and grief 837 plague spot 657 plaguy difficult 704 troublesome 830 plaice 298, 367