James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Stephens, A. H., commissioner to Virginia, 25; on railroad difficulties, 373; Hampton Roads Conference, 417–419. Stevens, Hazard, on terrain of Wilderness, 306 n. Stevens, Thaddeus, and legal tenders, 146; and compensated emancipation, 153; and administration, 204. Stone, Henry, on Shiloh, 106. Stone’s River, battle, 199; value, 200. Story, Joseph, on habeas corpus, 48. Stowe, H. B., on bereavements, 342; on business revival, 347. Sumner, Charles, on Frémont’s emancipation order, 52; on British attitude, 67; and Trent affair, 71, 81; and legal tenders, 146; and emancipation, 153, 156; on new call for troops (1862), 156; and Cabinet crisis, 189, 190; dejected, 201, 346; on Copperhead danger, 201; on army and finances (1863), 206. Sumner, E. V., Fair Oaks, 132; Gaines’s Mill, 138; Fredericksburg, 184. Sumter, Fort, Federal occupation, 7; and Border-State problem, 7, 10; Seward’s negotiations, 8; question of relief, 9–11; evacuation demanded, bombardment and surrender, relief expedition, 12–16; bombardment unnecessary, 15; results, 16; uprising of North, 17. Taney, R. B., on habeas corpus, 48. Tariff, as cause of Civil War, 46; wartime increases, 47, 149, 300; and British sentiment, 65. Taxation, first Federal measures, 47; measures of 1862, 148; of 1864, 300; Confederate, 384, 387. Tea, scarcity at South, 367. Telegraph, control, 148. Tennessee, secession, 25. See also Border States; Chattanooga; Chickamauga; Donelson; Murfreesborough; Nashville campaign; Shiloh. Tennessee, Confederate ram, 336. Tennyson, Lord, Northern sympathy, 278. Territories, status, 1; right of slavery in, 2; attempted compromise on slavery (1860–61), 3–5; abolition of slavery, 149. Texas, secession, 5. Thanksgiving proclamation (1864), 329. Thayer, W. R., acknowledgment to, v. Thirteenth Amendment, passage, 412. Thomas, G. H., Mill Spring, 98 n.; character, 200; Chickamauga, “Rock,” 294; commands Army of the Cumberland, 296; Chattanooga, 298, 299; recognition, 302; in Atlanta campaign, and Sherman, 317; Sherman’s division of forces with, 398–400; Nashville campaign, 409–412. Thomas, Lorenzo, and Frémont, 53, 54. Thucydides, on elements of crisis, 2. Ticknor, George, on uprising of North, 17. Tithe, in South, 386–389. Tod, David, and Confederate invasion of Kentucky, 177; as war governor, 361. Trade. See Business; Commerce. Transportation. See Railroads. Trent affair, seizure of Confederate commissioners, Federal rejoicing, 70; Lincoln’s lost opportunity, 71–73; British excitement and demand, 73, 74; war preparations, 74; British recognition of right of seizure, 75–77; Adams’s attitude, 77; presentation of ultimatum, 78, 79; Seward’s draft of answer, 79–81; Cabinet consideration, 81; release of commissioners, popular support of release, 82; effect of incident, 83. Trollope, Anthony, Northern sympathy, 278. Trumbull, Lyman, and McClellan’s in-activity, 60; and Cabinet crisis, 190; and arbitrary arrests, 349. Union, regretted, 29; Federal relations in North, 361–363. See also Secession. Union League Clubs, 205. Union meetings and Leagues, 205. Union men, Northern belief in Southern, 27, 28. Vallandigham, C. L., as Democratic spokesman, 351; arrest, 355 n. Vermont, State election (1864), 338. Vicksburg campaign, and Lee’s invasion, 225; importance, 247–249; problems, first efforts, 249; final plans, running of the batteries, 251; passage of the river, 252; attaining the rear, 252–254; siege, 254, 257; Grant’s conduct, 255–257; surrender, 257, 258; Grant’s credit, public interest, 258; decisiveness, 259; effect abroad, 279. Victoria, Queen, and Trent affair, 74; and Northern reverses, 278.