James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Seward, W. H., and compromise, 4; Fort Sumter negotiations, proposed foreign policy, 8; and relief of Sumter, 10; and Sumter expedition, 13; and Bull Run, 43, 44; McClellan’s discourtesy, 63; and recognition of Confederate belligerency, 64; and Trent affair, 72, 78–82; and Mackay, 72 n.; and appointment of Stanton, 86; and Merrimac, 113; and Emancipation Proclamation, 152, 153; and new call for troops (1862), 155; and Cabinet crisis, 188–192; character, relations with Lincoln, 193, 196; and French offer of mediation, 272; and Chattanooga, 295; and arbitrary arrests, 348, 349, 354, 355; Hampton Roads Conference, 417–419. Seymour, Horatio, as Democratic spokesman, 351. Shenandoah Valley, Jackson’s operations, 127–131; their effect, 131; Lee’s advance (1863), 226; Early’s raid, 325; Sheridan’s campaign, 338, 339. Sheridan, P. H., rise, 200; Missionary Ridge, 299; recognition, 302; Valley campaign, 338, 339; in final campaign, 430, 431. Sherman, John, and Grant after Shiloh, 107; and legal tenders, 146; on the administration, 204; on business revival, 347. Sherman, W. T., on Bull Run, 38, 44; Shiloh, 99–102; and Grant after Shiloh, 109; Blair’s early belief in, 164; on test of command, 182 n.; on Murfreesborough, 200; Vicksburg, 251, 254, 258; Chattanooga, 298; recognition, 302; on his army (1864), 302; commands Western armies, 304; on professional beginning of the war, 306; Atlanta campaign, 306, 314–318, 331–333, 337; and Johnston, 315; death, 315 n.; and Thomas, 317; on death of McPherson, 333; political effect of campaign, 337; planning of March to the sea, 398–400; execution of it, 400–409; temperament, 401; message on capture of Savannah, 409; working out of Grant’s grand strategy, 412; Carolina march, 422–427; consultation with Lincoln and Grant (1865), 427; receives surrender of Johnston, 437. Shiloh, battle of, position of Grant’s army, 97; Confederate plan, 98; Federal carelessness, 98–101; first day, 101–106; extent of Confederate success, second day, Confederate retreat, 106; lack of pursuit, casualties, 107; feeling against Grant, 107–109. Shinplasters, in North, 343; in South, 384. Sickles, D. E., Chancellorsville, 216, 218, 219. Silver, premium, 342; substitutes for fractional, 343–345, 384. Slavery, and election of 1860, 1; in territories, 2; attempted compromises on territorial (1860–61), 3–5; reason for Lincoln’s silence on, 35; Crittenden resolution (1861), 47, 49; Lincoln’s masterful handling of subject, 149; and Southern sympathy in England, 261; British apologies, 276; conduct of slaves, 380–382; effect of March to the sea, 407; proposed amendment protecting State (1861), 413. See also Emancipation. Slidell, John, at Paris, 286. See also Trent affair. Slocum, H. W., Chancellorsville, 216. Smith, C. T., Fort Donelson, 88–90. Smith, E. K. See Smith, Kirby. Smith, Kirby, in Kentucky, 166, 176. Smith, Richard, on Frémont’s removal, 55. Smith, W. F., and Burnside, 207; at Chattanooga, 297, 298. Social effect of war at North, 342, 346. Somerset, Duke of, and Trent affair, 76. South. See Confederate States. South Carolina, secession, 2; Sherman’s destructive march, 423–427. See also Sumter. Spain, neutrality proclamation, 64 n. Spalding, E. G., and legal tenders, 203. Specie payments, suspension in North, 146; premium on gold, 152, 330, 342; and on silver, 342. See also Paper money. Spottsylvania Court House, battle, 309, 310. Spurgeon, C. H., and Emancipation Proclamation, 273. Stanton, E. M., appointment as Secretary of War, 85; fitness, 86; and Grant after Shiloh, 108; and Merrimac, 113; and Peninsular campaign, 126; and Jackson’s Valley operations, 129, 130; stops recruiting (1862), 142; and McClellan, 159, 162, 180; and Pope’s campaign, 160; and Lee’s invasion of Maryland, 618; and Burnside after Fredericksburg, 186, 207; and Cabinet crisis, 191; relations with Lincoln, 196; and Hooker, 208, 224; and Chattanooga, 295; and arbitrary arrests, 348–350, 354, 355; and governors, 362; conduct of War Department, 363. States, Federal relations of Northern, 361–363.