James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Prices, in South, 386, 414. Privateering, authorized by Confederacy, and piracy, 20. Prussia, neutrality proclamation, 64 n. Pryor, R. A., and secession of Virginia, 24. Public debt. See Bonds; Paper money. Punch, on British sentiment (1861), 65. Putnam, Sarah A., on scarcity of paper, 369. Railroads, control of Federal, 148; and food scarcity in South, 369; deterioration and inadequacy of Southern, 370–374, 414; destroyed by Sherman, 405. Rawlins, J. A., as Grant’s mentor, 255–257, 325. Raymond, H. J., in political campaign (1864), 334. Read, T. B., “Sheridan’s Ride,” 339. Reagan, J. H., as Postmaster-General, 395. Religion, in North, 329; in South, 391. Republican party, and compromise, 4. See also Congress, Elections. Repudiation, Confederate, 385. Reynolds, J. F., Gaines’s Mill, 137; and removal of McClellan, 181; and succession to McClellan, 183; and succession to Burnside, 209; Chancellorsville, 219; and succession to Hooker, 224, 233; Gettysburg, killed, 233. Rhodes, D. P., acknowledgment to, v. Richmond, Va., Confederate capital, 25; martial law (1862), 95; hospitals, 389. See also Peninsular; Petersburg and Richmond. Richmond Enquirer, on Davis, 127. Richmond Examiner, on scarcity of paper, 368. Rifles, Federal failure to use breech-loading, 355; Southern, 377. Roanoke Island, capture, 110. Ropes, J. C., on Bull Run, 45; on Fort Donelson, 91; on succession to McClellan, 183. Rosecrans, W. S., displaces Buell, 179; Stone’s River, 199, 200; inaction, 292; manœuvres Bragg out of Tennessee, 293; Chickamauga, 293–295; at Chattanooga, 295, 296; relieved, 296. Russell, Earl, on recognition of Confederate belligerency, 65; and Trent affair, 74; and Alabama, 263, 266; and intervention, 268–271; and Gladstone’s indiscreet speech, 270; stops the Alexandra, 279; and Laird rams, 279–284; and Mason, 285, 286. Russell, Lord John. See Russell, Earl. Russell, W. H., on unanimity of South, belief in Southern success, 28; on Federal army, 36; on British attitude, 67; on Trent affair, 81. Russia, Northern sympathy, 285. St. Philip, Fort, bombardment, 118, 120; passage, 120–122; surrender, 123. Salt, scarcity at South, 367. Sanitary fairs, 357. Saturday Review, attitude, 67; apology for slavery, 276. Savage’s Station, battle, 143. Savannah, capture, Sherman’s message, 403, 409. Scarcity, at South, 366–370. Schofield, J. M., commands army of the Ohio, 314; sent to Thomas, 399; retreat, Franklin, 409, 412; and succession to Thomas, 410; joins Sherman in North Carolina, 427. Schurz, Carl, on Lincoln’s influence, 155; on election of 1862, 176; on conditions after Fredericksburg, 187; on army under Hooker, 210, 211; on Howard, 213; at Chancellorsville, 216; on Meade at Gettysburg, 234. Scott, T. A., as Assistant Secretary of War, 84 n.; on public apathy, 329. Scott, Winfield, and Fort Sumter, 10; and isolation of Washington, 21; on effect of blockade, 32; and Bull Run, 37, 42; and habeas corpus, 48; retires, 61. Secession, attitude of Charleston, 1; of South Carolina, 2; of other Cotton States, 5; of Border States, 20, 24–26; regret for the Union, 29. See also Border States; Compromise. Seddon, J. A., on barter, 385. Sedgwick, John, and succession to Burnside, 209; Chancellorsville campaign, 211. Seven Days. See Peninsular campaign. Seven Pines, battle, 131, 132.