James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
North, uprising, 17; unpreparedness, 30; second uprising, 48; despondency (1862), and Lincoln’s leadership, 155; consternation over Lee’s invasion (1862), 167; and Fredericksburg, 185; dejection (1863), 201; Union meetings and leagues, better spirits, 205; return of confidence, 211; business revival, 222, 346; gloom after Wilderness campaign, 329, 333; conditions, 341–364; effect of war, 341; hard times, 341; social effect, 342, 346; during period of defeat, 346; agriculture, 347, 348; arbitrary arrests, 348–350, 353–355; character of Democratic opposition, 350–353; humanitarian work, 357; trade with the enemy, 357–359; grave conditions (1864), 360; Federal relations, 361–363; rejoicing over surrender of Lee, 436. North Carolina, secession. See also Border States; Carolina march. Norton, C. E., on Trent affair, 81, 83; and emancipation, 153; desponds, 155; on election of 1862, 176; on appointment of Burnside, 182; on need of victories, 205. Office, scramble, 8. Ohio, unpreparedness, 31; character of first troops, 31; in election of 1864, 338. Ord, E. O. C., as corps commander, 430. Palfrey, F. W., on McClellan as general, 181. Palmerston, Lord, on British sentiment (1861), 65; and intervention, 69, 268–271; and Trent affair, 75; and blockade, 124; and Laird rams, 282; and Mason, 286. Paper, scarcity in South, 367. Paper money, demand notes (1861), 145; legal-tender act, 146, 147; later issues, 147, 203; justifiableness, 147; Northern private and public fractional, 203, 343–345; in South, 384, 385; Federal, in South, 385, 415; not legal tender in South, 392. Parke, J. G., as corps commander, 430. Patterson, Robert, in Bull Run campaign, 37–39. Pawnee, Fort Sumter expedition, 12 n. Peace negotiations and sentiment, in 1864, 333–336; Hampton Roads Conference, 417–419; attitude of Lee and Davis, 419; and of Lincoln, 420. Pemberton, J. C., Vicksburg, 253–258. Peninsular campaign, plan, 124; Yorktown, 125; Federals before Richmond, 126, 133; alarm there, 127; Jackson’s Valley operations, 127–131; Fair Oaks, 131, 132; Lee in command, 133; his defensive measures and plan of attack, 134; Seven Days; first day, 135; Gaines’s Mill, 136–138; McClellan’s overestimation of enemy, 137; McClellan’s demoralization, 139; comparison of commanders, 140–142; Federal retreat, 142; Malvern Hill, 143; losses, new base, results, 144; comparison with Wilderness campaign, 312. Pennsylvania, Gettysburg campaign, 225–247; in election of 1864, 338. Petersburg and Richmond campaign, Grant’s crossing of the James, 312, 322; failure to capture Petersburg, policy of attrition suspended, 322; condition of Federal army, 323; Lincoln’s visit to army, 323–325; Crater, 333; final campaign, 430–432; evacuation, 432; Federal occupation, Lincoln in Richmond, 433. Peyton, C. S., on Pickett’s charge, 241, 242. Philadelphia, Union League Club, 205; and Lee’s invasion (1863), 230. Pickett, G. E., on Confederates in Pennsylvania, 228; charge at Gettysburg, 238–243; own conduct, 243. Pillow, Fort, evacuated, 124. Pittsburg Landing. See Shiloh. Pope, John, Island No. 10, 124; commands Army of Virginia, 157; address to army, 158; as commander, 158, 164; retires before Lee, 159; blunders, hampering, Second Bull Run, 160; removed, 163; comparison with Grant’s Virginia campaign, 313. Port Gibson, in Vicksburg campaign, 252, 253. Port Hudson, surrender, 258. Port Royal, captured, 110. Porter, D. D., New Orleans operations, 118, 120, 121; Vicksburg, 251. Porter, Fitz-John, Seven Days, 135–138, 143. Porter, Horace, on Cold Harbor, 311; on Lincoln’s visit to Grant’s army, 324. Postage currency, 344. Postage stamps, as currency, 343. Potomac River, Confederate blockade, 62. Powhatan, and Fort Sumter expedition, 13. Preparedness, lack in North, 30; and in South, 32; contrast with Franco-Prussian War, 33, 34. Press, freedom, 394.