James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Meredith, George, on closing of Civil War, 438. Merrimac, reconstruction as iron-clad, 111; Hampton Roads, Monitor fight, 112–117; effect on McClellan, still feared, 116; further career, 117. Metals, scarcity in South, 369. See also Iron. Mexico, French in, 270. Mill, J. S., on slavery, 261; and Emancipation Proclamation, 272. Mill Spring, battle, 98 n. Milledgeville, Ga., Sherman’s occupation, 403–405. Minnesota, and Merrimac, 112. Missionary Ridge, battle, 298, 299. Mississippi, secession, 5. See also Vicksburg. Mississippi River, importance, 118, 247–249; reopened, 258. Missouri, and secession, 25; Frémont’s command, 50–56. See also Border States. Missouri Compromise, attempt to renew and extend, 3. Mobile, Ala., closed to blockade-runners, 336. Mobile Bay, battle, 336; political effect, 337. Moltke, Graf von, on preparedness, 33. Mommsen, Theodor, on Cæsar, 438. Money. See Paper money; Specie payments. Monitor, construction, 111; Merrimac fight, 114–116; founders, 117 n.; repulsed at Drewry’s Bluff, 127 n. Montgomery, Ala., convention, 5. Morgan, Fort, surrender, 336. Morse, J. T., on unpreparedness, 30; on “contrabands,” 49. Morton, O. P., on unpreparedness, 30; and Confederate invasion of Kentucky, 176; as war governor, 178, 361; and Buell, 179; and Democratic legislators, 201. Motley, J. L., on recognition of Confederate belligerency, 64; on Grant, 303. Moultrie, Fort, abandoned, 7. Mud march, Burnside’s, 186. Munitions of war, supply in South, 377. Murfreesborough, battle, 199, 200. Napoleon I, advice on military study, 128 n. Napoleon III, neutrality proclamation, 64 n.; and joint intervention, 69, 124, 271; offer of mediation, 201, 272; and Mexico, 270; and construction of Confederate vessels, 285; and Slidell, 286. Nashville, Tenn., and Fort Donelson, 87, 91; evacuated, 92. See also Nashville campaign. Nashville, Fort Sumter expedition, 12 n. Nashville campaign, adequacy of Thomas’s force, 398–400; Hood invades Tennessee, Schofield’s retreat, Franklin, 398, 409; Thomas’ delay, Grant’s attitude, 410, 411; battle of Nashville, ruin of Hood’s army, 411. Nassau, Bahamas, and blockade-running, 379. National banks, authorized, 204. Navy, Confederate, Merrimac, 111–117; British-built cruisers, 262–268, 279; Laird rams, 279–284; Napoleon and construction, 285. Navy, Federal, Western river operations, 86, 87, 124; at outbreak, 110; and armor-plating, 111; construction of Monitor, 111, 117; Hampton Roads, Merrimac-Monitor fight, 112–116; New Orleans campaign, 118–124; Mobile Bay, 336. See also Blockade. Negro soldiers, Cameron’s unauthorized recommendation, 84; and Lincoln, 324; Confederate enlistment, 417. Nelson, William, Shiloh, 103, 105, 106. Netherlands, neutrality proclamation, 64 n. Neutrality, British and other proclamations, 64; character of British, 260. New Hope Church, battle, 317. New Mexico, and slavery, 4. New Orleans, La., importance, 118; Federal plan against, 118, 119; bombardment of forts, 119; passage of forts, 120–123; surrender, 123; effect, 123, 124; effect abroad, 124. New York City, Union League Club, 205; draft riots, 287–291. New York Herald, attack on British attitude, 69. New York Seventh Regiment, arrival in Washington, 23. New York Tribune, on hard times, 342. See also Greeley, Horace. Nicolay, J. G., on regret at civil war, 29; on Cameron, 84; on political conditions (1864), 334, 335.