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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.


Adams, Charles Follen 818
Adams, Charles Francis 648
Adams, John 429
John, note 529 530
Adams, John Quincy 312 458
Adams, Sarah Flower 630
Addison, Joseph 297
Ady, Thomas 870
ÆSchines 1002
ÆSchylus 881
Agricola, note 872
Aidë, Charles H 777
Akenside, Mark 391
Alanus De Insulis, note 5
Alden, Henry M 803
Alexander, Cecil F 726
Alger, W. R., note 644
Aldrich, James 694
Aldrich, Thomas B 798
Ali Ben Taleb 953
Allen, Elizabeth A 783
Allen, William 865
Allingham, William 770
Alphonso the Wise 954
Amelia, Princess 864
Ames, Fisher, note 283
Amiel, Henri F 994
Archilochus, note 216
Ariosto, note 552
Aristides, note 438
Aristophanes, note 917
Aristotle, note 267 1045
Arkwright, Peleg 818
Armstrong, John 860
Arnim and Brentano, note 639
Arnold, George 786
Arnold, Sir Edwin 782
Arnold, Matthew 752
Arnold, Samuel J., note 388
Arrianus, note 890
Athenæus 952
Austin, Alfred 797
Avonmore, Lord, note 531
Bacon, Francis 164
Bacon, Lady Anne, note 7
Bailey, Philip James 721
Philip James, note 714
Baillie, Joanna 862
Balfour, Arthur J 828
Bancroft, George, note 531 598
Bangs, John K 845
Barbauld, Mrs 433
Barere, Bertrand 990 1050
Barham, R. H. 864
Barker, Theodore L 869
Barlow, George 828
Barnfield, Richard 175
Barr, Matthias 856
Barrett, Eaton, S 864
Barrington, George 445
Barrow, Isaac, note 299
Barry, Michael J 716
Bashford, Henry H 855
Basse, William, note 179
Baxter, Richard 858
Bayard, Chevalier, note 121
Bayle, Peter, note 621
Bayly, T. Haynes 588
Beattie, James 428
Beaumont and Fletcher 197
note 638
Beaumont, Francis 196
Beaumont, John, note 478
Bee, Bernard E 1052
Beers, Ethel L 766
Bell, Robert, note 330
Bellamy, G. W 868
Bellinghausen, Von Münch 992
Benjamin, Park 660
Bentham, Jeremy 1048
Bentley, Richard 284
Benton, Thomas H 1050
Berkeley, Bishop 312
Berners, Juliana, note 182
Berry, Dorothy, note 484
Bertaut, Jean, note 100
Bertin, Mademoiselle, note 1003
Bettelheim, A. S., note 170
Bickerstaff, Isaac 427
Blacker, Colonel 598
Blackmore, Richard, note 871
Blackstone, Sir William 392
Blair, Robert 354
Blamire, Susanna 861
Blanchard, Laman, 611 865
Bland, Robert, note 192
Bobart, Jacob, note 874
Bodinus, note 418
Bodley, Sir Thomas 368
Boethius, note 648
Boileau 985
Boker, George H 756
Bolingbroke 304
Boner, John H 823
Booth, Barton 306
Borbonius, note 321
Bourdillon, Francis W 833
Bracton 1049
Brainard, John G. C 578
Brainard, Mary G 808
Bramston, James 352
Breen, H. H., note 409
Brereton, James 312
Breton, Nicholas, note 33
Bridges, Robert 822
Bright, John 700
Bromley, Isaac H 784
Brontë, Emily 725
Brooke, Lord 35
Brooks, Phillips 791
Brough, Robert B 768
Brougham, Lord 527
Lord, note 426
Brown, John 380
Brown, Thomas E 777
Brown, Tom 286
Browne, Charles F 787
Browne, Sir Thomas 217
Browne, William 201
Brownell, Henry H 748
Browning, Elizabeth B 657
Elizabeth B., note 736
Browning, Robert 703
Robert, note 691 768
Bryan, William J 843
Bryant, William Cullen 572
Brydges, Samuel E 862
Buchanan, Robert W 816
Bucke, Richard M 804
Buffon, note 186
Bulfinch, Samuel G., note 488
Bunn, Alfred 561
Bunner, Henry C 834
Bunsen, Carl Josias, note 956
Bunyan, John 265
Burchard, Samuel D 866
Burke, Edmund 407
Burnand, Francis C 809
Burnet, Gilbert. note 629
Burns, Robert 446
Burton, Robert 185
Robert, note 903
Bussy De Rabutin, note 286
Butler, Samuel 209
Samuel, note 361
Butler, William A 763
Butts, Mary F 857
Byrd, William, note 22
Byrom, John 351
Byron, Lord 539
Calhoun, John C 529
Callimachus 496
Calverley, Charles S 778
Campbell, Lord, note 418 528
Campbell, Thomas 512
Camden, William 870
Cambronne 1002
Canning, George 464
Carew, Thomas 200
Carey, Henry 285
Carleton, Will 825
Carlyle, Thomas 580
Carman, Bliss 844
Carney, Julia, A. F 760
Carpenter, Joseph E 715
Carroll, Lewis 781
Carruthers, Robert, note 528
Cary, Alice 748
Cary, Phœbe 758
Catinat, Marshal, note 926
Catullus, note 306
Cawein, Madison J 849
Centlivre, Susannah 859
Cervantes 970
note 894
Chamberlain, Joseph 799
Channing, William E 725
Chapman, George 35
Charles I., note 398
Charron, note 317
Chase, Salmon P 652
Chaucer, Geoffrey 1
Cherry, Andrew 453
Chesterfield, Earl of 352
Child, Lydia Maria 610
Chivers, Thomas H 635
Choate, Rufus 598
Chorley, Henry F 652
Christy, David 1046
Church, Benjamin, note 513
Churchill, Charles 412
Cibber, Colley 295
Colley, note 294
Cicero 891
note 890
Clarendon, Edward Hyde 255
Clarke, John, note 568
Clarke, Macdonald 591
Clay, Henry, note 505
Clemens, Samuel L 795
Cleveland, Grover 804
Grover, note 624
Clough, Arthur H 726
Arthur H., note 675
Cochrane, Alfred 849
Codrington, Christopher, note 295
Coke, Sir Edward 24
Coleridge, Hartley 585
Coleridge, Mary E 844
Coleridge, S. Taylor 498
S. Taylor, note 481
Colesworthy, Daniel C 696
Collins, Mortimer 765
Collins, William 389
Colman, George 454
George, note 934
Colton, C. C 863
Congreve, William 294
William, note 675
Constable, Henry, note 484
Constant, Henry B 992
Cook, Eliza 724
Coolidge, Susan 824
Cooper, J. Fenimore, note 586
Cornuel, Madame, note 926
Cotton, Nathaniel 362
Cowley, Abraham 260
Cowper, William 413
Crabbe, George 443
Craik, D. M. M 765
Cranch, Christopher P 715
Cranfield, note 210
Crashaw, Richard 258
Crapo, W. W 1051
Crawford, Anne 861
Cristyne, note 12
Crockett, David 1044
Crockett, Ingram 837
Croker, John W., note 284
Crosby, Frances J. V 750
Cross, Marian E 729
Cunningham, Allan 537
Curran, John P 1047
Curtis, George W 758
Curtius, Quintus, note 25