Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Interior of bladder, 1231. of larynx, 1078. of skull, 189. of uterus, 1260. Interlobular arteries of kidney, 1223. Intermediate cell-mass, 50. Intermetacarpal articulations, 331. Intermetatarsal articulations, 358. Internal abdominal ring, 418. acoustic meatus, 143. arcuate ligament, 404. calcaneal arteries, 639. nerves, 963. calcaneoastragaloid ligament, 352. calcaneonavicular ligament, 355. canthus of eyelids, 1025. capsule of brain, 836. circumflex artery, 630. cutaneous nerve, 937, 955. lesser, 937. geniculate body, 811. iliac artery, 614. glands, 704. vein, 673. intercostals muscle, 403. lateral ligament, 297, 322, 328. malleolar artery, 635, 639. mammary artery, 583. gland, 715. maxillary glands, 694. oblique muscle, 412. palpebral arteries, 570. plantar artery, 639. nerve, 963. popliteal nerve, 960. pterygoid muscle, 387. pudendal artery, 617. veins, 674. pudic artery, 617. nerve, 967. veins, 674. respiratory nerve of Bell, 928. saphenous nerve, 956. vein, 669. semilunar fibrocartilage, 343. sphincter ani muscle, 426. Internodal segments of nerves, 727. Interossei muscles of foot, 495. actions of, 495. nerves of, 495. of hand, 464. actions of, 465. nerves of, 465. Interosseous arteries, 595, 596, 597. ligament, 302. membrane of forearm, 325. of leg, 348. nerve, dorsal or posterior, 944. volar or anterior, 938. Interparietal bone, 132. Interpeduncular fossa, 816. ganglion, 800, 802, 868. Interphalangeal articulations, 333, 359. Interpleural space, 1090. Interpubic disk, 311. fibrocartilaginous lamina, 311. Intersegmental neurons, 755. septa, 80. Intersigmoid fossa, 1167. Interspinal ligaments, 291. Interspinales muscles, 400. actions of, 402. nerves of, 402. Interspinous ligament, 291. Intersternal ligaments, 304. Intertarsal articulations, 352. Intertragic notch, 1034. Intertransversales muscle, 401. Intertransversarii muscles, 401. actions of, 402. nerves of, 402. Intertransverse ligaments, 291. Intertrochanteric crest, 246. line, 245. Intertubercular plane, 1147. Intertubular dentin, 1120. Intervenous tubercle, 531. Interventricular foramen, 816, 840. septum, 534. Intervertebral fibrocartilages, 289. foramina, 96. veins, 669. Intervillous space, 59. Intestinal arteries, 607. glands, 1174. villi, 1174. Intestine, development of, 1101. large, 1177. lymphatic nodules of, 1176. lymphatics of, 710. small, 1168. structure of, 1172. vessels and nerves of, 1176. surface markings of, 1319. Intestinum cœcum, 1177. crassum, 1177. ileum, 1171. jejunum, 1170. rectum, 1183. tenue, 1168. tela submucosa, 1172. tunica mucosa, 1173. muscularis, 1172. serosa, 1172. Intra-articular ligament, 300. Intracartilaginous ossification, 93. Intra-epithelial plexus of cornea, 1009. Intrafusal fasciculi, 1061. fibers, 1061. Intrajugular process, 131. Intralobular veins, 1196. Intramembranous ossification, 91. Intraparietal sulcus, 822. Intrapulmonary bronchi, 1098. Intraspinal veins, 668. Intrathyroid cartilage, 1074. Intrinsic muscles of tongue, 1130. spinal reflex paths, 850. Iodothyrin, 1271. Iridial angle, 1007. Iris, 1012. structure of, 1013. vessels and nerves of, 1014. Irregular bones, 80. Ischiocapsular ligament, 334. Ischiocavernosus muscle, 428, 430. action of, 428, 430. Ischiorectal fossa, 425. Ischium, 234. body of, 234. rami of, 235. spine of, 235. tuberosity of, 235. Island of Reil, 825. Islands, blood, 506. of Langerhans, 1204. Isthmus, aortic, 517, 547. of external acoustic meatus 1043. faucium, 1137. glandula thyreoidea, 1270. of limbic lobe, 825. rhombencephali, 738. of thyroid gland, 1269. of uterine tube, 1257. Iter chordœ anterius, 1039. posterius, 1038. Ivory of teeth, 1119. J Jacob’s membrane, 1017. Jacobson, nerve of, 909, 1047. vomeronasal organs of, 71, 996. Jejunum, 1170. lymphatic vessels of, 710. Jelly of Wharton, 58. Joint capsules, lymphatic capillaries in, 684. Joints. See Articulations. development of, 283. Jugular foramen, 181, 193. fossa, 144. ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve, 908. of vagus nerve, 911. nerve, 978. notch, 120, 131. process, 131, 181. surface of temporal bone, 144. tubercle, 131. vein, anterior, 647. external, 646. internal, 648. bulbs of, 648. posterior external, 647. Jugum sphenoidale, 153. Junctional tube, 1223. K Karyokinesis, 37. Karyomitome, 36. Karyomitosis, 37. Karyoplasm, 36. Kerckring, ossific center of, 133. Kerkring, valves of, 1173. Kidneys, 1215. calyces of, 1221, 1225. cortical substance of, 1221. development of, 1211. fixation of, 1220. hilum of, 1219. lymphatic capillaries in, 687. vessels of, 712. Malpighian bodies of, 1221. capsule, 1221. medullary substance of, 1221. minute anatomy of, 1221. nerves of, 1225. paranephric body, 1220. renal artery, 610. fascia, 1220. pelvis, 1221. sinus, 1221. tubules, 1221. structure of, 1220. surface marking of, 1320. veins of, 679, 1224. weight and dimensions of, 1215. Knee cap, 255. Knee-joint, 339. bursæ of, 345. movements of, 346. surface anatomy of, 1338. Krause, end-bulbs of, 1060. membrane of, 375. Kühne, motor end-plates of, 730. L LabbÉ, posterior anastomotic vein of, 652. Labia cerebri, 827. majora, 1265. minora, 1265. oris, 1111. Labial arteries, 555. commissures, 1265. glands, 1111. grooves, 1102. Labiodental lamina, 1122. Labrum glenoidale, 319, 336. Labyrinth, membranous, 1051. development of, 1032. vessels of, 1059. osseous, 1047.