Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Labyrinthus ethmoidalis, 154. membranaceus, 1051. osseus, 1047. Lacertus fibrosus, 444. Laciniate ligament, 489. Lacrimal apparatus, 1028. artery, 569. bone, 163. articulations of, 164. lesser, 164. ossification of, 164. canals, 1028. caruncula, 1028. crest, posterior, 164. ducts or canals, 1028. ampullæ of, 1028. fossa, 137, 188. glands, 1028. groove, 159, 189. hamulus, 164. nerve, 887. notch, 159. papilla, 1025. process of inferior nasal concha, 169. punctum, 1025. sac, 1028. tubercle, 161. Lacteals, 683. Lactiferous ducts, 1268. Lacuna magna [of urethra], 1235. Lacunæ of bone, 89, 90. of cartilage, 280. of urethra, 1235. venous, 655. Lacunar ligament, 412. Lacus lacrimalis, 1025, 1028. Lagena, 1054. Lambda, 178, 198. Lambdoidal suture, 132, 135, 183. Lamellæ of bone, 89. articular, 279. circumferential, 89. interstitial, 89. primary or fundamental, 90. secondary or special, 90. Lamellar cells, 377. Lamina affixia, 838. basalis, 1010. cartilaginis cricoideœ, 1047. choriocapillaris, 1010. cribrosa sclerœ, 1005. dorsal or alar, 735. elastic, of cornea, 1008. elastica anterior, 1008. posterior, 1008. fibrocartilaginea interpubica, 311. labiodental, 1122. lingual, 1122. medullary, 810. nasal, 68. reticular, 1058. spiral, of cochlea, 1051. spiralis ossea, 1051. suprachorioidea, 1005, 1010. terminalis, 742, 816. vasculosa, 1010. ventral or basal, 735. of vertebræ, 96. Lancisi, nerves of, 868. Langerhans, centro-acinar cells of, 1204. islands of, 1204. Langhans, layer of, 47. Langley’s ganglion, 1137. Lantermann, segments of, 727. Large deep petrosal nerve, 892. intestine, 1177. cecum, 1177. colic valve, 1179. colon, 1180. ascending, 1180. descending, 1181. iliac, 1182. sigmoid or pelvic, 1182. Large intestine, colon, transverse, 1180. rectum, 1183. superficial petrosal nerve, 892, 903. Laryngeal artery, inferior, 581. superior, 552. nerves, 912. part of pharynx, 1142. prominence, 1073. saccule, 1080. sinus, 1080. Larynx, 1072. cartilages of, 1073. conus elasticus of, 1078. elastic membrane of, 1077. glands of, 1084. interior of, 1078. ligaments of, 1076. lymphatic vessels of, 698, 1084. mucous membrane of, 1083. muscles of, 1081. actions of, 1083. nerves of, 1084. rima glottidis of, 1080. surface marking of, 1301. ventricle of, 1080. ventricular folds of, 1079. vessels of, 1084. vestibule of, 1078. vocal folds of, 1080. Lateral cartilages, 993. cricoarytenoid muscle, 1081. sinuses, 657. spinothalamic fasciculus, 762. thyrohyoid ligament, 1077. Latissimus dorsi muscle, 432. actions of, 435. nerves of, 434. variations of, 434. Layer of Langhans, 47. of rods and cones, 1017. Layers of cerebral cortex, 845. Least splanchnic nerve, 981. Left atrium, 533. auricle, 533. auricular appendix, 533. coronary plexus, 985. vein, 642. lobe of liver, 1192. ventricle, 534. Leg, fascia of, 480. deep transverse, 483. muscles of, 480. development of, 372. Lemniscus, lateral, 805. lateralis, 805. medial, 804. medialis, 804. spinal, 762. Lens, capsule of, 1019. vascular, 1003. changes produced in, by age, 1021. crystallina, 1019. crystalline, 1019. development of, 1002. equator of, 1019. poles of, 1019. structure of, 1020. suspensory ligament of, 1018. vesicle, 1001. Lenticula, 834. Lenticular ganglion, 888. glands of stomach, 1167. nucleus, 834. process of incus, 1045. Lentiform nucleus, 834. Lesser cavernous nerve, 989. curvature of stomach, 1162. internal cutaneous nerve, 937. lacrimal bone, 164. multangular bone, 225. omentum, 1156. pelvis, 239. Lesser peritoneal sac, 1152, 1155. sac or omental bursa of peritoneum, 1155. boundaries of, 1156. sciatic foramen, 309. notch, 235. sigmoid cavity, 215. splanchnic nerve, 981. trochanter, 245. Leucocytes, 504. Levator anguli oris muscle, 383. scapulæ muscle, 435. ani muscle, 422. actions of, 424. nerves of, 424. claviculæ muscle, 435. glandulæ thyreoideæ muscle, 1270. menti muscle, 383. palati muscle, 1139. palpebræ superioris muscle, 1021. actions of, 1023. nerves of, 1023. prostatæ muscle, 424. scapulæ muscle, 435. actions of, 435. nerves of, 435. variations of, 435. veli palatini muscle, 1139. Levatores costarum muscle, 403. Lieberkühn, crypts of, 1174. Lien, 1228. accessorius, 1283. extremitas inferior, 1283. superior, 1283. facies gastrica, 1282. renalis, 1283. margo anterior, 1283. posterior, 1283. Lienal artery, 605. plexus of nerves, 986. vein, 681.