Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Hypogastric artery, 614. branches of, 615. in fetus, 540. obliterated, 615. peculiarities of, 615. lymph glands, 704. plexus, 987. region, 1149. vein, 673. zone, 1148. Hypoglossal nerve, 914. composition and central connections of, 855. nucleus of, 779. Hypophysis cerebri, 814, 1275. development of, 1276. Hypothalami, pars mammillaria, 743. optica, 744. Hypothalamus, 812. corpora mammillaria, 813. hypophysis or pituitary body, 814, 1275. infundibulum, 813. optic chiasma, 814. subthalamic tegmental region, 812. corpus subthalamicum, or nucleus of Luys, 812. stratum dorsale, 812. zona incerta, 812. tuber cinerum, 813. Hypothenar eminence, 456. I Ileocecal fold, 1160. fossæ, 1160. valve, 1179. Ileocolic artery, 607. lymph glands, 709. Ileum, 1170. lymphatic vessels of, 710. Iliac arteries, common, 613. peculiarities of, 614. surface markings of, 1322. external, 622. surface markings of, 1322. internal, 614. peculiarities of, 614. circumflex artery, deep, 623. superficial, 629. vein, deep, 673. superficial, 669. colon, 1182. fascia, 466. fossa, 234. furrow, 1313. lymph glands, 703, 704. region, 1149. spines, 234. tuberosity, 234. vein, common, 677. peculiarities of, 677. external, 672. internal, 673. Iliacus muscle, 467. actions of, 467. fascia of, 466. nerves of, 467. variations of, 467. Iliocapsularis muscle, 467. Iliococcygeus muscle, 424. Iliocostalis cervicis muscle, 399. dorsi muscle, 399. lumborum muscle, 399. Iliofemoral ligament, 334. Iliohypogastric nerve, 950. Ilioinguinal nerve, 952. Iliolumbar artery, 621. ligament, 306. vein, 678. Iliopectineal eminence, 234. fascia, 466. Iliosacralis muscle, 424. Iliotibial band or tract, 468. Iliotrochanteric ligament, 335. Ilium, 231. ala of, 232. body of, 231. crest of, 234. dorsum of, 232. gluteal lines of, 233. spines of, 234. Imbedding or implantation of ovum, 58. Immovable articulations, 284. Impression, colic, 1189. duodenal, 1190. gastric, 1189. renal, 1189. rhomboid, 202. suprarenal, 1191. trigeminal, 143. Incisive bone, 162. canals, 162, 180. foramen, 162, 180. fossa, 158, 172, 188. teeth, 1115. Incisor crest, 163. teeth, 1115. Incisura angularis, 1162. apicis cordis, 527. cardiaca, 1162. fastigii, 741. radialis, 215. semilunaris, 215. temporalis, 826. tentorii, 874. Incremental lines of Salter, 1120. Incus, 1044. crus breve, 1044. longum, 1045. development of, 1033. ligaments of, 1045, 1046. process of, long, 1045. short, 1044. Index, cephalic or breadth, 198. gnathic or alveolar, 199. nasal, 198. orbital, 198. vertical or height, 198. Indusium griseum, 827, 868. Inferior articular arteries, 633. articulation, 325. calcaneonavicular ligament, 355. cerebellar peduncles, 793. constrictor muscle, 1142. dental artery, 561. nerve, 896. epigastric vein, 672. ganglion, 908, 911. laryngeal nerve, 912. longitudinal sinus, 655. maxillary nerve, 893. medullary velum, 794. oblique muscle, 1023. profunda artery, 591. pubic ligament, 310. quadrigeminal body, 806. semilunar lobule, 791. tarsal plate, 1025. thyroarytenoid ligaments, 1080. vocal cords, 1080. Infraclavicular branches of brachial plexus, 933. Infracostales muscle, 403. Infraglenoid tuberosity, 205. Infrahyoid artery, 552. muscles, 391. Infraorbital artery, 562. canal, 159. foramen, 158, 187. groove, 159. nerve, 889 note; plexus of nerves, 891. Infrapatellar pad of fat, 344. Infrascapular artery, 588. Infraspinatous fascia, 441. fossa, 203. Infraspinatus muscle, 441. actions of, 442. nerves of, 442. Infrasternal notch, 1307. Infratemporal crest, 150, 183. fossa, 184. surface of maxilla, 158. Infratrochlear nerve, 888. Infundibuliform fascia, 418. Infundibulopelvic ligament, 1261. Infundibulum of brain, 813. of ethmoid bone, 156, 195, 995. Inguinal aponeurotic falx, 414. canal, 418. glands, 702. ligament, 411. reflected, 412. regions, 1149. ring, abdominal, 418. subcutaneous, 410. Inion, 185, 198. Inlet of pelvis, 239. Inner cell-mass, 46. Innominate artery, 548. bone, 231. articulations of, 238. ossification of, 237. veins, 664. peculiarities of, 666. Inscriptions, tendinous, of rectus abdominis, 416. Insertion of muscles, 362. Insula, 825. circular sulcus of, 825. development of, 825. gyri of, 825. opercula of, 825. Integument, common, 1062. Interalveolar cell-islets, 1204. Interarticular chondrosternal ligament, 303. costocentral ligaments, 300. fibrocartilages, 281. sternocostal ligaments, 303. Interatrial groove, 527. Intercalatum, 802. Intercapitular veins, 661, 669. Intercarpal articulations, 328. movements of, 330. Intercavernous sinuses, 659. Intercellular biliary passages, 1197. Intercentral ligaments, 287. Interchondral ligaments, 304. Interclavicular ligament, 314. Interclinoid ligament, 153. Intercolumnar fascia, 1238. fibers, 410. Intercondyloid eminence of tibia, 256. fossa of femur, 247. of tibia, posterior, 256. Intercostal arteries from aorta, 600. highest, 585. from internal mammary, 583. superior, 585. fasciæ, 402. lymph glands, 715. membranes, 403. muscles, 403. nerves, 945. spaces, 123. veins, 666. Intercostales externi muscles, 403. variations of, 403. interni muscles, 403. variations of, 403. Intercostobrachial nerve, 946, 947. Intercrural fascia, 411. fibers, 410. Intercuneiform articulations, 357. Interfoveolar ligament of Hesselbach, 415. Interglobular spaces, 1120.