
Workplace Bullying Research Paper

Decent Essays

Workplace bullying is the topic of the assignment for this week. Workplace bullying occurs when someone or several people in the workplace mistreat people working around them and cause undue stress and unrest. Workplace bullies are no different from child hood bullies and they terrorize, intimidate and menace but in an adult situation. The workplace bully uses this technique as a form of intimidation. (Baack, 2012) This paper will discuss and review information regarding workplace bullying and the impact on the victims and the organization. This paper will also provide firsthand accounts of workplace bullying and how the account related to the article this week. Finally, recommendation will be given of techniques from the article that the organization should use to deter and eliminate workplace bullying.
The article was absolutely riveting and provided information on a topic that is not given a lot of credence if it does not involve an employee directly. Workplace bullying has a tremendous affect on the victim. (Weidemer, 2010) The anxiety level of the employee can be very high and their self-esteem very diminished. The article advises us that bullying c an even contribute to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and clinical depression that can lead to the employee losing time from work. (Weidemer, 2010) The absence …show more content…

According to the article, over one third of the United States workforce has reported some form of bullying. The attributes of workplace bully people in authority and usually male in gender. The bully is very cunning and displays his/her tendencies behind a gentle public front making it hard to prove. (Keashly, 1998) The bully is usually manipulative and very scheming. The bully uses fear and a means to possible cover up their shortcomings in their own jobs. (Baack, 2012) The bully usually targets someone who they feel is fragile or weaker than themselves. (Hoel and Giga,

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