
Bullying In The Workplace

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BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE According to Forbes website, 75 percent of workers are affected by bullying in 2016. Many people have quitted their job because they have been bullied at their workplace. But before we begin talking about bullying in the workplace, we have to ask our self what is bullying in the workplace. According to Linda Laws, bullying in the workplace “is a term used to describe disruptive behaviors that negatively affect the collaborative working environment” (2016). This behaviors can include continuous criticism, humiliation, intimidation, negative comments or insults on a person’s work, personality, race, gender and other. In fact, bullies at the workplace practice a negative action called psychological violence. What they …show more content…

Due to the health problems targets of bullying might have, the would experience emotional, psychological and sometimes physiological impairment which cause them to be absent due to sickness. (Hershcovis, Reich, & Niven, 2015). On the other hand, targets who continue to attend the work can’t perform their jobs at their best capability. They might have issues making decisions, they might be incapable to concentrate at the work, and they would have lower productivity. Adding to it, targets are not only lack of motivation but they also waste their time because sometimes they are worry about avoiding bully, they try to defend themselves, and think about or find a way to deal with the situation. (Bullying in the Workplace, …show more content…

They are also responsible to create culture where respect is mandatory and create policies of zero-tolerance for bullying. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) argues several primary ways or intervention to deal with bullying in the workplace. One way is focused on preventing occurrence of bullying in the workplace is by implementing programs or policy of communication, stress management training, and negative behavior awareness training. (Hershcovis, Reich, & Niven,

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