
Summary: The Nature Of Daoism

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The Nature of Daoism

Daoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy, which was later converted into a religion, that was founded by Laozi. Its basic teaching is that earth, heaven, and people should follow the Dao, or “the way of nature,” in other words, living in harmony. Daoism is a polytheistic religion meaning that there are many gods, or deities. Chinese society was shaped by Daoism because it changed people’s perspective on life. They viewed life as accepting and humble, and they focused on bettering themselves and becoming one with nature. Leading a pure and honorable life, according to Daoism, can lead to immortality.

Laozi is the founder and philosopher of Daoism who was born between the 5th and 6th century BCE during the Zhou Dynasty in China. He believed that Daoism is the practice for a person to become as natural born and living as the environment. Laozi, believed that if one was to follow the Dao, “all will be well in the world.” Furthermore, “for many Daoists, this meant withdrawing from society to live close to nature,” and that is one of the main beliefs. Another belief of Daoism is that life should be simple and for a person live as an individual, not a follower of a ruler. Daoism, during the Tang period, gained “priests, temples, and monasteries.” This goes to show the basic ideals of Daoism. …show more content…

The highest and most worthy of deities in Daoism are “The Three Pure Ones”. The ultimate highest deity of between “The Three Pure Ones” in Daoism is the Primordial Heavenly Worthy, the second is the Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Worthy, and the third is the Supreme Way Heavenly Worthy. “The Three Pure Ones” are the avatars for

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