
Similarities Between Taoism And Confucianism

Decent Essays

Throughout history, religion has impacted Chinese ways. Two religions, Taoism and Confucianism, are the backbone of China’s cultural lifestyles, but which one had the bigger impact on China? Before diving straight into this argument, I plan to give you background information on both religions. Taoism, also known as Daoism, is an ancient religion founded by Lao Tzu. Taoists believe in being immanent, uniting themselves, with nature. Tao is translated as, “the way” or “path” and if they follow “the way,” they will live in harmony with less suffering. Also, taoists believe that life is happy and should be lived with balance. For example, the Yin-Yang symbol exemplifies that there is an equal amount of good and evil. The white part, Yang, is associated …show more content…

Within Yin exists Yang and vice versa while nature is the balance. Some of their practices include meditation, diets, and healing arts such as acupuncture. When practicing meditation, daoists aim to take deep, slow breaths and clear their mind completely. The highest goal for them is to achieve immortality through meditating. Also, “Daoism has influenced chinese culture for over 2,000 years. Its practices have given birth to martial arts such as Tai Chi and healthy living such as practicing vegetarianism and exercise.” (daoism in china) Taoism is practiced more in the small towns and countryside of China. In the late 1970s, the communist party took control of China, banning many religious practices. During China’s decline, Taoism influence decline. The chinese began to question the unstructured beliefs, aswell, it lacked written moral …show more content…

Although both religions are different, they share the fact that they have impacted China today. “Based on the Four Books and Five Classics, the traditions and principles in the Confucianism played an important role in the formation of Chinese people’s thinking patterns and teaching methods.” (In China Today) Both strongly show the importance of education. Also, many moral lessons that were taught in the past, are enforced today. For example, people in China continue to respect their elders and are benevolent towards others. Others try to live their life the “right” way, not only to get to their desired place, but for themselves. In politics, these two religions are used as the basis of many chinese legal systems. Regardless of the differences, both religions have led China through the peaks and valleys of its vast history, the longest continuing story on the

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