
Was Taoism A Turning Point?

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Was the Emergence of Taoism a Turning Point? During the 5th century, Taoism, a system of beliefs that focuses on one’s harmony with nature and the mysticism of nature, was introduced by Laozi in China, but the question is, was Taoism’s emergence really a turning point in world history? After searching through much information on this subject, evidence says, it was. The emergence of Taoism was a turning point in world history because it was the first major religion in China, it allowed many ways of living to remain the same, and because many traditional ways of Chinese living changed. Taoism was one of the first major systems of beliefs in China, showing us that after an extended period of the focus on building a lucrative government, the people of China were changing and trying new ways of life. This shows a shift in the focus from the strictly governmental ways of Confucianism to the more mystical beliefs of Taoism. With this change of beliefs in China, Confucian ideas such as the need for strictly political knowledge, were partially taken down by Taoism, which cast politics to the side. This altogether allows us to begin to understand the change in period …show more content…

The growth in the amount of special rituals and ceremonies, to promote harmony with the mystical life force, was an action that had never really been seen or done before in China, showing us that this was the beginning of a new period in the Chinese cultural ways. The followers of Taoism in China also started engaging in frugal living, which allowed for a growth in humility and connection to nature. Lastly with many leaders in the government changing over to certain parts of the Taoist lifestyle, they were able to make Taoism more compatible with Confucianism, allowing for both to be practiced at the same

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