
Han China And Rome Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Han China and the Roman Empire have multiple similarities and differences in the techniques of imperial administration under the circumstances that they were influenced by the way each empire was based, their way of life, and religion and philosophy. The Han Dynasty and Imperial Rome are two completely different civilizations, yet are united under multiple conformities. The ways of living and society of these two empires are very similar, but they also differ, under the circumstances of government.
The governments were both affected by the traditions and roots of the empire. Both of these empires were led by emperors. Neither of the civilizations preferred a family that ruled over the empire. Rather, a new empire was chosen after each emperor died. In Rome, early emperors were said to have been chosen by the armies, picking the best general. But, by the second …show more content…

In Rome and China, the rise of two religions started towards the end of each empire. In Rome, there was an introduction to Christianity, in China, there was an introduction to Buddhism. As for philosophies, China was much more influenced by them than Rome. For example, Han China relied greatly on Confucianism and Legalism for pointers on how to run the government. Both philosophies were extremely different. Confucianism was used much more at first. This philosophy was based off of the belief that “people are basically good.” Confucianism convinced the administration to take it easy on punishment. For example, Confucianism taught that if a person messes up or goes against the law, they shall be educated, not only punished. Negating Confucianism were the ways of Legalism, which was used later and specified that “human nature is selfish.” Legalism persuaded the government to discipline civilians for their actions on much harsher terms. All of these religions and philosophies altered the way the government was

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