
Similarities Between Taoism And Confucianism

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The sixth century B.C.E. was an extraordinary era of reflective development for ancient China. During this time, there were two prominent religious leaders that were inhabitants of China, Confucius and Lao-tzu, are believed to have lived and instructed. The fundamental concepts that were exhibited, Taoism and Confucianism, presented concurrently in dynastic China. This lured an infinite amount of followers during the period of over 2,000 years (, 2018). The beliefs that these two mythical individuals composed remain in formidable fashion even today. As with any other religion, there exist similarities and differences between Taoism and Confucianism that will be discussed.
Taoism and Confucianism are quite similar with respect to the Chinese culture. For example, the majority of the Chinese …show more content…

First of all, Confucianism emphasizes on accomplishing Tao in human existence. Also, Confucianism is not a religion but more of a method of behaving so individuals exercise the correct things. Taoism concentrates on executing the Tao, predominantly on the religious contents of life; and it is other-worldly and possibly is referred to as a religion. Some skeptics have disputed that Taoism is not a religion. Taoism is considered a philosophy, a method of surveying life and a way of meditating about things. Furthermore, Confucianism believes that knowledge and instruction are vitally important. Confucius displayed urgency on learning by which he set a standard of the continuity of learning throughout his life (Cheng, 2011). On the other hand, Taoism accentuates on unlearning and this could be viewed as being effortless which could result in both smart and worthy. Lao Tzu inspired individuals to uneducated their learning to prevent any anxiety. Planeness is encircled and it lacks intelligence to not draw attention or to confuse things (Cheng,

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