
Laozi And Confucius Similarities

Decent Essays

Between the two most well known ancient Chinese philosophies there are many similarities and differences. When looking at the history of both of these philosophies when can see the similarities. The major differences between the two become apparent when looking at the ideologies of the philosophies, there are however some small similarities in the ideologies. Both of the philosophies regardless of their differences do seem to work towards the same goal of improving the state of governing. Looking at both their histories and how the philosophies came to be we can see major similarities and small differences. Both the Analects and the Tao Te Ching were later compiled by many different people and not Confucius or Laozi. Both of their teaching …show more content…

The simplest way to explain the difference between the two would be to say Confucianism is action where as Taoism is non-action. Confucianism focuses on a person governing to achieve a better moral state of being. This is pointed out in Sources of East Asian Tradition when it says “to promote the style and manner of the noble person (junzi)” (SEAT pg30). This would require a follower of Confucianism to take action and to change their way of thought, to strive for something different or unnatural to their instincts. Taoism has a considerably different approach to its ideology and style of governing, a more hands off approach to put it simply. The best example to use here would be page fifty seven from the Tao Te Ching were it has the simple statement of having less laws and you will have less criminals and goes on about other aspects of government that should be lessened or have less control. The simplest way to understand this is that less is more. The less control or rule the government (or one persons authority over another) has the better off people will be. The one similarity that they both have or common goal is that of a better governed state then what already had existed. These are just a small glimpse at the differences and similarities that Confucianism and Taoism

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