
Short Story Chapter 1

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He walked over to a large arched gate at the far end of the room. On the other side of the gate was...nothing. A pitch-black void. 'And this is the Chalkpit.’ It always filled him with awe, no matter how many times he saw it. Carved into the gate were hundreds of animals made from wood. Birds, cats, dogs and other little creatures. Mosaic followed him as he walked closer. The animals came to life. The robin on the bough sang his heart out. The tawny fox scratched itself then sniffed the air. He watched a field mouse as it swung on a blade of grass. Bumblebees flew in and out of flowers as they searched for pollen. 'We took wood from Gypsy Copse and my daughter carved the animals.' Doctor Pax held out his finger and an owl flew down and …show more content…

Francesca D’Arcy Moribunda.' Haig said. 'She and Harmonie look like twins, instead of mother and daughter.' Mosaic looked uncertain but then he grinned. 'Charmed to meet you, Francesca.' Her laughter tinkled when she replied, ''re a little flirt.' Doctor Pax smothered a laugh. 'Enough of the games, you two. We have got a situation on our hands with young Clemmie and I need your help to put it right. Mosaic, we’ll go through the Chalkpit so you get an idea of how it works. Only for five minutes on the other side as we need to come back straight away. Time is of the essence!’ He led him to a chalkboard on the wall by the gate. 'Where would you like to go, Mosaic? You can choose anywhere in the world.' asked Francesca. 'Chauntsinger!' ‘Then write it on the chalkboard!’ Mosaic did as he was asked. Seconds after he wrote the word, particles of chalk began to lift from the board and scatter in the air. They flew like a flock of starlings as they twisted and turned above their heads. Then with one fell swoop, they vanished through the gate. ‘Well done, Mosaic. You have just entered the coordinates.’ The soft voice of Francesca came over a tannoy, ‘Two minutes and counting down.' People who saw the gate for the first time expected it to light up or go fizz-bang like in the movies. But the Chalkpit was different. A faint hum filled the room. The wooden animals ran for cover. The back of the tunnel changed from a black void to a mist of

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