
Chapter 1 Short Story

Decent Essays

Chapter Three

Her heart had never pumped so fast in her life; not even when she stepped on stage for her first open mic night. Never. She could have used a couple of minutes to regain her composure. Heck, she needed a couple of days to recover from that kiss. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a chance to dwell on a newly developed crush. Odds were pretty good that she’d never see Mr. Man ever again. That feeling sank like a rock in her stomach.
“Well, that kiss scored a ten from my viewpoint.” Maddy slapped Caroline on the back, causing her to stumble forward. For such a small package, Maddison Albright, could pack a punch.
Caroline regained her footing before slamming into the wall. The backstage room wasn’t much bigger than a closet. Their …show more content…

I think—”
Brody wrapped his arm around her shoulder possessively. “Cheap tricks; that kiss wasn’t more than a seven. You looked hot, but he’s a chump.”
Caroline didn’t agree with his statement or his closeness. Maddy raised her eyebrows, forming deep lines on her forehead. Caroline wanted to know why she shouldn’t kiss Mr. Man again. It had been months since her last relationship ended, and she was ready to move on. Granted, she wasn’t the love em and leave em type. Caroline liked commitment and being in a relationship. This scared away her ex-boyfriends who felt she was too intense and needy. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with planning ahead and knowing what she wanted.
She also knew what she didn’t want. “There were no tricks involved. Just two lips and one amazing tongue.” She removed his arm and walked towards her violin case.
“I’ll show you tongue,” Brody mumbled as he picked up his guitar. “I could do better. Kissing me would be way better.”
Her need to keep the peace overruled her need to respond. She didn’t want to argue to start a fight with her new band. While her friend had proven her abilities over a year ago, tonight was her turn. She had a lot to prove to this group, so she bit her tongue. Her eyes landed on Peter as he grabbed his sax, wrapping the strap over his shoulder. She needed one last vote to officially end this conversation. “What did you think, did I win?”
“That was smoking. You’ve got my vote, Caroline.” He blew a

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