
Chapter 1 Short Story

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The lawyer squinted through the dark as Hyde thought. Contemplative, then shocked, then having reached some inner resolve, Hyde sighed and thrust out a hand for the clove. “According to Lanyon, about your pulse points should suffice-- might I help?” Utterson reached forward but quickly withdrew at a glare from Hyde and cast a nervous glance about them. “Here,” announced Hyde. He returned the garlic to Utterson’s pocket and made for the gates. “It won’t take long.” Utterson stared after him for a moment. “Wait!” he shouted suddenly, surging forward and placing one hand on his shoulder. “I insist you take this,” he explained, removing his scarf once Hyde had turned round and wrapping it tightly around the dwarf’s neck. Standing aside the …show more content…

While he waited, Utterson walked away from the gate and kicked at the ground. I wonder that he ever befriended such a creature, who can steal away the bloom of life from those who are young and innocent! he mused. Moments passed slowly. It felt like his heart had escaped his chest, lodged itself within his throat, and now not only hindered his breathing (for he rather felt like crying), but also prevented him from feeling any semblance of calm. Did he apply enough? And what effect would accosting Dracul actually have, when he could deprive Jekyll of his life in the same manner that he had Harrison? Something crashed against the hard earth, sending reverberations beyond the iron gates and past Utterson’s feet. Looking up, he saw a black, winged creature flying away. Moans from within the graveyard distracted him; suddenly recollecting himself, he ran towards their source, fearful that he would find Hyde doubled over, emaciated and violated. Hyde did lie on the ground, with his left hand wrapped firmly around his neck, hat having fallen off, and an expression of horror-- his mouth agape, eyes wide, cheeks ashen, forehead pale and dripping sweat-- plastered on his countenance. Utterson stumbled in his efforts to kneel beside Hyde. Why does he clutch his neck? he screamed internally. “Edward,” he breathed, frantically

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