
How Did Confucius Influence Ancient Chinese Culture

Decent Essays

Not much is known about the author of this article, Xu Youwei. Since the author is not very critically acclaimed the information provided about her is limited. Xu Youwei is an associate professor at Hefei College of Education. Although the age of Confucius has passed, his ideas live on through his contributions to Ancient Chinese culture. As discussed in this article, Confucius was engulfed in the field of education. He “was the first most important great educationalist in the history of Chinese education.” (Youwei 121). The author discusses fundamental ideas of Confucianism being loyalty and forbearance, these ideas are exemplified through the way Confucius lived and the things he did. Honesty and sincerity were also essential for the …show more content…

Confucius was crucial to the people of his time and is still an important historical figure to modern-day historians.. He served as, “a link inheriting the past and ushering the future” (Youwei 124). This article also discusses Confucius being remembered for his extreme passion for music and the arts. He was known to appreciate the grand and refined music and was quite educated on the subject too. He has contributed to several writings that portray his extensive knowledge of music including “The Book of Folk Songs” and “The Book of Poetry”. His knowledge and understanding of music was also brought forth when educating his students, all of Confucius’ students were able to sing or make music of some sort. It was said that “Confucius attached great importance to musical education of his students” (Youwei 127). Confucius was generous with his knowledge, always passing down everything he learned in hopes of inspiring more people. Confucius, unlike many other teachers of his time, advocated art, relaxation, and passion. The aesthetic education that Confucius provided also allowed his students to appreciate the beauty of art, education, and …show more content…

This article helps better my understanding of Confucianism because it gives me yet another perspective to view this philosophy from. In class when we talked about Confucianism we also discussed the author and his writings. We talked about some specific beliefs of his including Zen, Filial Piety, etc.. We studied the five cardinal relationships and talked about Mencius and Xunzi. material at school, the only perspective I had was influenced by the one person I learned it from. Reading this article expanded my horizon on some of the beliefs Confucius

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