
Essay On Hnc Social Care

Satisfactory Essays

HNC Social Care Booklet of Assessments This document contains all the assessment information you will need for the HNC Social Care. They are collated in chronological order with the lecturer responsible (where this is known) identified on the assessment. It is up to the learner to ensure that the assessment is handed in by the deadline. The assessment schedule will be posted on the moodle site. All work should be word processed and include appropriate references both in main essay through acknowledgement using the author surname and date of publication and detailed as a full reference in an end list attached to the back of your work. Please visit the power point on the moodle for further information as to the …show more content…

Your final essay should be approximately 1500 words in length and you should reference appropriately using the Harvard system. Evaluate the relevance of two appropriate theoretical psychological approaches by addressing the following points: • Summarise the development stages of the life cycle • Include a brief description of the physical, cultural and cognitive processes, and social and emotional development at each stage. • Select a service user and provide a more detailed explanation of the stage of development which relates to the individual you have chosen. • Describe how the application of psychological theory could inform an understanding of the service user you have selected End of Assignment Two Tutor: Angie Briggs Agreed hand in Date: November 2012 (submission of written work) (group presentation dates slot to be arranged with tutor) ASSIGNMENT 3 Unit Title: Sociology for Social Care Practice Unit No: DH3W 34 |Unit No. |Unit Title |Outcomes | | | | | |DH3W 34 |Sociology for Social Care Practice |(02) Understand the causes of discrimination and analyse its effect |

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