
Dual P16 / Ki67 Staining

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Dual P16/Ki67 staining may help identify women with low grade cytology who are likely to progress to cervical cancer.

Amber Joyner BSc (Hons) LIBMS
The Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton in collaboration with Roche Tissue Diagnostics, Burgess Hill.
Supervisor: Gary Robinson

This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfilment of the project requirements for the M.S.c:
Clinical Sciences
May 2015

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Dual P16/Ki67 staining may help identify women with low grade …show more content…

It is widely accepted that HPV subtypes 16 and 18 are responsible for around 70% of cases of cervical cancer (2, 3), however, with the advent of the current quadrivalent vaccine it is expected that the number of HPV 16 and 18 infections will reduce in the coming years.
The high numbers of patients testing positive for oHPV has been noted at this centre, resulting in large numbers of colposcopy referrals. The website publishes the National Schedule of Reference Costs every year which lists the number of patients who attend for procedures, the unit costs for these procedures and the total cost for these procedures for that year. In 2013-2014 a total of 230, 038 women attended diagnostic colposcopies across all NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts costing a total of £28,179,422(4).
This study aimed to determine if it is possible to more accurately identify women who are most likely to develop high grade dyskaryosis or invasive cervical cancer, and send only those for treatment, thus streamlining the current protocol by using immunostaining during the screening process.
P16 and Ki67
Cell cycle control in mammalian cells is a complex mechanism and is regulated by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and their activating co-enzyme cyclins (A, B, D, and E).
P16INK4a (P16) is a tumour suppressor protein and

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