
Cervical Cancer in Hispanic or Latina Women Essays

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Cervical Cancer and

Hispanic/Latina Women

Melissa Gavidia


Cervical cancer is when there are malignant cells present in the cervix; it is developed in the lining of the cervix. A cervix is a narrow opening located at the bottom of the uterus that leads into the vagina. Cervical cancer mostly affects women between the ages of 40 and 55. This cancer can be prevented by screening for precancerous cells, and it can also be cured if it is detected at an early stage. Over the past few decades the number of cervical cancer cases has declined dramatically due to a more widespread screening of the disease. Today, it is estimated that 10,000 new …show more content…

If the Pap smear test results reveal abnormal cell changes, a physician will recommend for a women to undergo a colposcopy. A colposcopy is a procedure where a physician washes the cervix with a diluted vinegar solution and uses a microscope-like tool known as a colposcope to have a magnified view of the surface of the vagina and cervix. If the physician sees any abnormal areas, such as lesions on the cervix, then tissue samples are taken for examination under a microscope. Other than the Pap smear, a pelvic exam may be performed. In a pelvic exam, the vagina, along with adjacent organs, is examined visually and manually. A speculum, and instrument that separates tissue, is inserted into the vagina for visual examination. After, the organs are felt with the fingers by inserting one hand in the vagina, and putting the other hand on the abdomen to feel for any abnormalities. If invasive cervical cancer is suspected, or if the colposcopy and the Pap smear have different results, then other tests may be conducted. One test that may be performed is a cone biopsy. In a cone biopsy, a larger, cone shaped sample of cervical tissue is taken and examined for cancer cells. Another test that may be performed is endocervical curettage. During this procedure, the lining of the cervix is scraped and examined for cancer cells. Once a diagnosis of cervical cancer is made, then the

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