
Confucius Argument Essay

Decent Essays

Thank you worthy Emperor Wanli and the valuable First Grand Secretary for giving me this opportunity to express my opinion on the examination system and whether the system is a good way of determining your officials. In addition, I will promote another system that may be more useful in choosing your most valuable executives. From studying the confucian texts and analects, the emperor should choose officials who would be loyal to the emperor, and be able to make well thoughted and intelligent decisions in a moral manner. The examination system may be successful in deciphering those who are studious and understand the confucian texts thoroughly, however, the system cannot decipher the loyalty and personality of the people. Thus, the system for recruiting effective officials should be replaced by a system that is partly an examination system and partly a system of recommendation. …show more content…

According to the confucian texts, Confucius states in analect 14 from book four, “The Master said, He doesn not mind not being in office; all he minds about is whether he has qualities that entitle to him to office. He doesn not mind failing to get recognition; he is too busy doing the things that entitle him to recognition.” The analect illustrates that a moral executive would not care about his rank and praise he holds, but would only care about whether he holds that qualities that makes him an officer and the tasks he has to complete. Hence, the system for recruiting officials must be able to separate not only those who are intelligent in the confucian texts, but also those who abide to the texts and care about their duty more than their reputation. The examination system is able to see who is studious and has a strong understanding of the confucian texts, but the system is not able to decipher the attitude and personality of each person. Moreover, the system for recruiting officials is not effective and needs to have

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