
Comparing Confucius And Friedrich Nietzsche's Overman

Decent Essays

In the Analects, Confucius puts forward a concept that strikingly resembles Friedrich Nietzsche’s Overman as described in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Known as the gentleman, or junzi, this person stands out among the rest of humanity. Through virtue, or what Nietzsche might call will to power, the junzi improves himself to have a superior moral standing, as well as achieve peace. However, the gentleman is also able to bring civilization and sagehood to others. If a gentleman travels to wild barbarian lands, Confucius asks “how could it be wild, once a gentleman has settled there” (775). Of course, one becomes a gentleman much like how one becomes an Overman, through balance and learning. The gentleman must have both the Apollonian, order, and the

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