
Compare And Contrast Buddhism And Confucianism

Decent Essays

Religion dates back all the way to early civilizations and has had a huge impact on people’s lives throughout history. There are many different and diverse religions, but i’m going to be talking about two in particular. Buddhism and Confucianism. Buddhism which dates back to 50 BC and Confucianism, which originated around 551-497 BC. Both of these religions have had an impact on how people act and view the world. Buddhism originated in India, but spread all around to Asia, America, etc. Buddhism began with Prince Siddhartha Gautama. He decided to leave behind his life at the palace and his wife and son to join a group of people who basically starved themselves in order to reach enlightenment. After he took on several teachings and almost starved to death himself, he realized that this was only adding more pain and suffering. So he ate food and sat under a fig tree and fought off all his many temptations, and he attained his enlightenment. Now as the Buddha, he began teaching others, these truths because he felt compassion for their suffering. He taught them important doctrines like the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold path. “His first noble truth is that life is suffering.” The second truth is that suffering is caused by craving. The third truth, however says that suffering has an end, the fourth offers the end. The eightfold path is the “Right views, Right intention, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood/occupation, Right endeavor, Right mindfulness, and Right

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