
Chinese Philosophy From The Spring And Autumn And Warring States Eras

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Chinese philosophy originates in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States eras. This was during the period known as “Hundred Schools of Thought.” “Regional rulers of the Spring and Autumn period enhanced their ability to obtain natural resources, to recruit men for their armies, and to oversee conquered areas.” (pg. 165) Researchers started to help the rulers and because of that, the rulers began perceiving the researchers comprehension of punishment, ritual, astronomy, medicine, and divination. There were a few distinct methods of insight that emerged in Ancient China amid this time period. Be that as it may, there were three noteworthy methods of insight that were absolutely critical: legalism, taoism and confucianism. Confucius was a researcher who served in government positions. He realized that the legislature was doing as well as could be expected, on the other hand, he likewise realized that war was among them. Consequently, Confucius was resolved to locate an illuminated ruler. He had confidence in family and that family was the establishment of a moral society. "Confucius set up any of the real rules for Chinese thought and activity: regard for the declarations of researchers, duty to expansive instruction, and preparing for all who were exceedingly astute and willing to work." (pg. 164) Due to Confucius being solid willed, he put forward new ethics focusing on ceremonies, obligation and dedication to family and the ideal of good character. Confucianism was

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