
Confucianism In The Han Dynasty

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Before Emperor Wu of Han decided “oust others doctrines, the overwhelming Confucianism”[ Baisha Yi,易白沙 Kongzi pingyi shang 孔子评议上[Kritische Beurteilung von Kongzi, Teil 1], Qingnian zazhi 青年杂志,1916a, 571-576], which means use Confucianism as the only religion in China, Taoism was one of the most popular religions in China. In the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, Taoism was the most important religion and philosophy, and it influenced political theory. What is Taoism? How had Taoism changed politics and activities of people who lived in Han dynasty? This essay seeks to answer these questions by examining the background and few important points of Wu-wei, one of the most famous Taoist thoughts.
Firstly, what is Taoism? Before defining …show more content…

Nowadays, people call the first level Tao, “Tao of Heaven”[ Yates, R. (1997). Five lost classics : Tao, Huanglao, and Yin-yang in Han China / translated, with an introduction, and commentary by Robin D.S. Yates. (First ed., Classics of ancient China).26-29]. The second level of Tao is the rule or rules of Tao to create or derive everything on the Earth, “the Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things”.[ Tao Te Ching, chapter 42] In other words, Tao transforms to chaos; the chaos transforms to Yin and Yang; Mix Yin and Yang to the balance point; Everything would created from Yin, Yang, and the balance point of Yin and Yang. The third level of Tao is the way to use Taoism ideology in life. The founder of philosophical Taoism is Lao Tzu, who also is known as Old Master or Laozi.[ Creel, H. G., 2-5] The Dialectic thoughts and the Tao of third level are full of his books, Tao Te Ching, for example, chapter 58 of Tao Te Ching:“Misery!——happiness is to be found by its side!Happiness!——misery lurks beneath it!Who knows what either will come to in the end?”[ Lao tzu, 老子, Tao Te Ching …show more content…

In the way of heaven, it was to diminish superabundance and supplement deficiency, which means took from those have enough to add those did not have enough things. It was not so with the way of man, man took away from those who did not have enough to add to his own superabundance.[ Tao Te Ching, Chapter 77, Who can take his own superabundance and therewith serve all under heaven? Only he who is in possession of the Tao!] Nevertheless, Emperor Wen took his own superabundance and therefore serve his people. The son of Emperor Wen, emperor Jing, continued the way of Wu-wei to govern the

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