Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
A Complaint, from “Golde’s Kingdome, etc.”LIX. Edward Hake
Wasted and wearied with sorrow and smart;
Pinched and pained in pencifull chaire,
Yet dare not discouer the thoughts of my heart:
To keepe them or shew them brings griefe alike to me,
To keepe them or to shew them alike doth vndo me.
O times full of trouble! O seasons vnkind
If aught could be added, or aught be decreast,
Then might there be hope some comfort to find:
But resolute ruine still standing at doore,
Death cannot haue entrance, nor life be secure.
I am thy poore seruant, the worke of thy hand,
All fraile and vnstable without and within,
Vnable without thee one houre to stand:
But sith thou hast promist to helpe where is need,
Lord, keepe then thy promise, and helpe me with speed.
O Father of mercy, O Fountaine of grace:
Sith none that hath sought thee did euer yet faile,
Lord, let not me onely be thrust out of place:
But looke thou on me as thou lookest on all,
And helpe thy poore seruant that lyeth in thrall.
Not mercy but iudgement doth fit my desert:
My life hath bene loose, my thoughts all vntamed,
And whatso was holy, that did I peruert.
Not therefore for me, but for thy name sake,
Vouchsaue me thy mercy, my sorrow to slake.