Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Stanzas from “Newes out of Powle’s Churchyard”LIX. Edward Hake
All wisdom wisely flowes;
O God, whose grace doth guide the good,
In whome all bounty growes:
Thou knowst the hearts and seest the raynes,
Yea th’ inwarde thoughts of men
Doe open lye before thy face:
Thou knowst how, where, and when
Ech thing hath, is, or shall be done,
Or else committed: thou
Hast perfite, newe, and insight good,
Which way man’s heart doth bow.
Thou, thou, I say, sole God of might,
Beholdst the harts of men,
What they pretend, what yll they worke:
So iustly iudge me then,
And shut thy mercy from my soule,
If slandrously my lypps
Doe ope at all; or if my tongue,
Of vaine presumtion, skypps
From this to that, or rashly run
More than the truth doth vrge;
Or more then that through extreame rage
And force of sinfull surge.