Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Stanzas from “The Commemoration”LIX. Edward Hake
Thrise blessed be our God,
By whom our Queene Elizabeth
Those vertuous steppes hath trod.
Not sharp devise of man:
Not crafte, not skill, not worldly thrifte,
Her blessed state began.
Bereft of outwarde joy;
Pursued to death by Romishe beastes,
Still seeking her annoy:
With stomacks stuft with guile,
Each day devised her grace’s death,
And sacred state to foyle.
In spite of Sathan’s rage,
To live a queen in blessed peace,
To lyve an happy age.
No drift, devise, no devill’s deede,
No falshood fetcht from hell,
Hath yet tane place: in safetie yet
Her noble grace doth dwell.
Thine owne right hand hath brought
Each darke deuise to open view,
And treason’s guile to nought.
Thine owne right hand hath stay’d
The running rage of rancour bent,
And made her foes afrayde.
To guide thy folke aright:
What giftes of grace have princes more
Obtayned in thy sight?
Thou, Lorde, with her hast plaste:
Whose careful workes for commonwealth
Can never be defaste.