
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

governor father 166 tutor 540 director 694 ruler 745 keeper 753 -’s message 695 gowk 501 gown dress 225 canonicals 999 gownsman 492 grab take 789 miser 819 grabble 379 grace style 578 permission 760 concession 784 elegance 845 polish 850 title 877 pity 914 forgiveness 918 honor 939 piety 987 worship 990 act of – 784 God’s – 906 – before meat 916 heart of – 861 in one’s good -s 888 say – 990 submit with a good – 826 with a bad – 603 with a good – willing 602 courteous 894 graceful elegant 578 beautiful 845 tasteful 850 graceless inelegant 579 ugly 846 vicious 945 impenitent 951 irreligious 989 Graces 845 gracile 203 gracious willing 602 courteous 894 kind 906 good – 870 gradatim in order 58 continuous 69 slow 275 gradation degree 26 order 58 continuity 69 gradatory 26 grade degree 26 classify 60 term 71 obliquity 217 ascent 305 class 541, (75) at – 219 – crossing 219 gradient 217, 305 gradual degree 26 continuous 69 slow 275 graduate adjust 23 degree 26 divide 44 arrange 60 series 69 measure 466 scholar 492 teaching 537 rank 873 – school 542 graduated scale 466 graduation class 541 rank 873 gradus 86, 562 Græcist 492 graft join 43 locate 184 insert 300a plant 371 teach 537 bribe 784 improbity 940 grain essence 5 small 32 tendency 176 little 193 rough 256 weight 319 texture 329 powder 330 paint 428 temper 820 ornament 847 against the – rough 256 unwilling 603 opposing 708 – elevator 636 – oil 356 -s of allowance qualification 469 doubt 485 in the – 820 like -s of sand incoherent 47 grallatory 267 gramercy 916 gram-fed 192 graminivorous 298 grammar beginning 66 teaching 537 school 542 language 567 bad – 568 comparative – 560 – school 537 grammarian 492 grammatical 567 – blunder 568 grammatism 561 gramophone 417, 418, 551 granary 636 grand august 31 vigor 574 important 642 handsome 845 glorious 873 ostentatious 882 – climacteric 128 – doings 882 – juror 967 – manner solecism 568 – piano 417 – seignior 745 – style 556, 568 – tour 266 – Turk 745 – vizier 694 grandam 130 grandchildren 167 grandee 875 grandeur greatness 31 vigor 574 repute 873 grandfather veteran 130 paternity 166 grandiloquent 577 grandiose 482, 577 grandmother maternal 166 simple 501 teach – 538 grandness [see grand] grandsire veteran 130 paternity 166 grandstand 444 grange 189 granger 371 granite 323, 635 granivorous 298 qualification 469 unbelief 485 granny 130 granolithic pavement 255 grant admit 529 permit 760 consent 762 confer 784 God – 990 – a lease 771 – in-aid school 542 granted 488 take for – believe 484 suppose 514 grantee transference 270 possessor 779 receiver 785 grantor 784 granular 330 granulate 330 granulated 330 – sugar 386 granule 32 grapefruit 298 grapes 298 sour – unattainable 471 falsehood 544 excuse 617 grapeshot attack 716 arms 727 graphic intelligible 518 painting 556 vigorous 574 descriptive 594 graphology 590 graphomania 590 graphomaniac 590 graphometer 244 graphophone 417 graphotype 558 grapnel 666 grapple fasten 43 clutch 789 – with – a question 461difficulties 704 oppose 708 resist 719 contention 720 grappling iron fastening 45 safety 666 grasp comprehend 518 power 737 retain 781 seize 789 – at 865 – of intellect 498 in one’s – 737 possess 777 tight – severe 739 grasping miserly 819 covetous 856 grass fell 213 vegetation 367 – widow 905 let the – grow under one’s feet neglect 460 inactive 683 not let the – &c. active 682 grasshopper 309, 366 grassland 367 grassplot 371 grassy 367 grate arrangement 60 rub 330 physical pain 378 stove 386 – on the ear harsh sound 410 – on the feelings 830 grated barred 219 grateful physically pleasant 377 agreeable 829 thankful 916 grater 330 gratification animal377 moral827 gratify permit 760 please 829 gratifying 377, 829 grating [see grate] lattice 219 stridor 410 gratis 815 gratitude 916 gratuitous inconsequent 477 supposititious 514 voluntary 602 free 748 payless 815 – service 602