T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From Elegies: Book I. Elegia X.
By Ovid (43 B.C.–18 A.D.)(Translated by Christopher Marlowe) Ad puellam, ne pro amore præmia poscat. SUCH as the cause was of two husbands’ war, | |
Whom Trojan ships fetch’d from Europa far, | |
Such as was Leda, whom the god deluded | |
In snow-white plumes of a false swan included. | |
Such as Amymone through the dry fields strayed, | 5 |
When on her head a water pitcher laid. | |
Such wert thou, and I feared the bull and eagle, | |
And whate’er Love made Jove, should thee inveigle. | |
Now all fear with my mind’s hot love abates: | |
No more this beauty mine eyes captivates. | 10 |
Ask’st why I change? because thou crav’st reward; | |
This cause hath thee from pleasing me debarred. | |
While thou wert plain I loved thy mind and face: | |
Now inward faults thy outward form disgrace. | |
Love is a naked boy, his years saunce stain, | 15 |
And hath no clothes, but open doth remain. | |
Will you for gain have Cupid sell himself? | |
He hath no bosom where to hide base pelf. | |
Love and Love’s son are with fierce arms at odds; | |
To serve for pay beseems not wanton gods. | 20 |
The whore stands to be bought for each man’s money, | |
And seeks vile wealth by selling of her coney. | |
Yet greedy bawd’s command she curseth still, | |
And doth, constrained, what you do of goodwill. | |
Take from irrational beasts a precedent; | 25 |
’Tis shame their wits should be more excellent. | |
The mare asks not the horse, the cow the bull, | |
Nor the mild ewe gifts from the ram doth pull. | |
Only a woman gets spoils from a man, | |
Farms out herself on nights for what she can; | 30 |
And lets what doth delight, what both desire, | |
Making her joy according to her hire. | |
The sport being such, as both alike sweet try it, | |
Why should one sell it and the other buy it? | |
Why should I lose, and thou gain by the pleasure, | 35 |
Which man and woman reap in equal measure? | |
Knights of the post of perjuries make sale, | |
The unjust judge for bribes becomes a stale. | |
’Tis shame sold tongues the guilty should defend, | |
Or great wealth from a judgment-seat ascend. | 40 |
’Tis shame to grow rich by bed-merchandise, | |
Or prostitute thy beauty for bad price. | |
Thanks worthily are due for things unbought; | |
For beds ill-hired we are indebted nought. | |
The hirer payeth all; his rent discharged, | 45 |
From further duty he rests then enlarged. | |
Fair dames forbear rewards for nights to crave: | |
Ill-gotten goods good end will never have. | |
The Sabine gauntlets were too dearly won, | |
That unto death did press the holy nun. | 50 |
The son slew her, that forth to meet him went, | |
And a rich necklace caused that punishment. | |
Yet think no scorn to ask a wealthy churl; | |
He wants no gifts into thy lap to hurl. | |
Take clustered grapes from an o’er-laden vine, | 55 |
May bounteous love Alcinous’ fruit resign. | |
Let poor men show their service, faith and care; | |
All for their mistress, what they have, prepare. | |
In verse to praise kind wenches ’tis my part, | |
And whom I like eternise by mine art. | 60 |
Garments do wear, jewels and gold do waste, | |
The fame that verse gives doth for ever last. | |
To give I love, but to be asked disdain; | |
Leave asking, and I’ll give what I refrain. | |