T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From Elegies: Book II. Elegia II.
By Ovid (43 B.C.–18 A.D.)(Translated by Christopher Marlowe) Ad Bagoum, ut custodiam puellæ sibi commissæ laxiorem habeat. |
BAGOUS, whose care doth thy mistress bridle, | |
While I speak some few, yet fit words, be idle. | |
I saw the damsel walking yesterday, | |
There, where the porch doth Danaus’ fact display: | |
She pleased me soon; I sent, and did her woo; | 5 |
Her trembling hand writ back she might not do. | |
And asking why, this answer she redoubled, | |
Because thy care too much thy mistress troubled. | |
Keeper, if thou be wise, cease hate to cherish, | |
Believe me, whom we fear, we wish to perish. | 10 |
Nor is her husband wise: what needs defence, | |
When unprotected there is no expense? | |
But furiously he follow his love’s fire, | |
And thinks her chaste whom many do desire: | |
Stolen liberty she may by thee obtain, | 15 |
Which giving her, she may give thee again: | |
Wilt thou her fault learn? she may make thee tremble. | |
Fear to be guilty, then thou may’st dissemble. | |
Think when she reads, her mother letters sent her: | |
Let him go forth known, that unknown did enter. | 20 |
Let him go see her though she do not languish, | |
And then report her sick and full of anguish. | |
If long she stays, to think the time more short, | |
Lay down thy forehead in thy lap to snort. | |
Inquire not what with Isis may be done, | 25 |
Nor fear lest she to the theàtres run. | |
Knowing her scapes, thine honour shall increase; | |
And what less labour than to hold thy peace? | |
Let him please, haunt the house, be kindly used, | |
Enjoy the wench; let all else be refused. | 30 |
Vain causes feign of him, the true to hide, | |
And what she likes, let both bold ratified. | |
When most her husband bends the brows and frowns, | |
His fawning wench with her desire he crowns. | |
But yet sometimes to chide thee let her fall | 35 |
Counterfeit tears: and thee lewd hangman call. | |
Object thou then, what she may well excuse, | |
To stain all faith in truth, by false crimes’ use. | |
Of wealth and honour so shall grow thy heap: | |
Do this, and soon thou shalt thy freedom reap. | 40 |
On tell-tales’ necks thou seest the ink-knit chains, | |
The filthy prison faithless breasts restrains. | |
Water in waters, and fruit, flying touch, | |
Tantalus seeks, his long tongue’s gain is such. | |
While Juno’s watchman Iö too much eyed, | 45 |
Him timeless death took, she was deified. | |
I saw one’s legs with fetters black and blue, | |
By whom the husband his wife’s incest knew: | |
More he deserved; to both great harm he framed, | |
The man did grieve, the woman was defamed. | 50 |
Trust me all husbands for such faults are sad, | |
Nor make they any man that hears them glad. | |
If he loves not, deaf ears thou dost importune, | |
Or if he loves, thy tale breeds his misfortune. | |
Nor is it easy proved though manifest; | 55 |
She safe by favour of her judge doth rest. | |
Though himself see, he’ll credit her denial, | |
Condemn his eyes, and say there is no trial. | |
Spying his mistress’ tears he will lament | |
And say “This blab shall suffer punishment.” | 60 |
Why fight’st ’gainst odds? to thee, being cast, do hap | |
Sharp stripes; she sitteth in the judge’s lap. | |
To meet for poison or vile facts we crave not; | |
My hands an unsheathed shining weapon have not. | |
We seek that, through thee, safely love we may; | 65 |
What can be easier than the thing we pray? | |