T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From Elegies: Book I. Elegia V.
By Ovid (43 B.C.–18 A.D.)(Translated by Christopher Marlowe) Corinnæ concubitus. IN summer’s heat, and mid-time of the day, | |
To rest my limbs upon a bed I lay; | |
One window shut, the other open stood, | |
Which gave such light as twinkles in a wood, | |
Like twilight glimpse at setting of the sun, | 5 |
Or night being past, and yet not day begun; | |
Such light to shamefaced maidens must be shown | |
Where they may sport, and seem to be unknown: | |
Then came Corinna in her long loose gown, | |
Her white neck hid with tresses hanging down, | 10 |
Resembling fair Semiramis going to bed, | |
Or Lais of a thousand wooers sped. | |
I snatched her gown: being thin, the harm was small, | |
Yet strived she to be covered therewithal; | |
And striving thus, as one that would be cast, | 15 |
Betrayed herself, and yielded at the last. | |
Stark naked as she stood before mine eye, | |
Not one wen in her body could I spy. | |
What arms and shoulders did I touch and see! | |
How apt her breasts were to be pressed by me! | 20 |
How smooth a belly under her waist saw I, | |
How large a leg, and what a lusty thigh! | |
To leave the rest, all liked me passing well; | |
I clinged her naked body, down she fell: | |
Judge you the rest; being tired she bade me kiss; | 25 |
Jove send me more such afternoons as this! | |