T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.
From Elegies: Book I. Elegia IV.
By Ovid (43 B.C.–18 A.D.)(Translated by Christopher Marlowe) Amicam, qua arte quibusque nutibus in cæna, presente viro, uti debeat, admonet. |
THY husband to a banquet goes with me, | |
Pray God it may his latest supper be. | |
Shall I sit gazing as a bashful guest, | |
While others touch the damsel I love best? | |
Wilt lying under him, his bosom clip? | 5 |
About thy neck shall he at pleasure skip? | |
Marvel not, though the fair bride did incite | |
The drunken Centaurs to a sudden fight. | |
I am no half horse, nor in woods I dwell, | |
Yet scarce my hands from thee contain I well. | 10 |
But how thou should’st behave thyself now know, | |
Nor let the winds away my warnings blow. | |
Before thy husband come, though I not see | |
What may be done, yet there before him be. | |
Lie with him gently, when his limbs he spread | 15 |
Upon the bed; but on my foot first tread. | |
View me, my becks, and speaking countenance; | |
Take, and return each secret amorous glance. | |
Words without voice shall on my eyebrows sit, | |
Lines thou shalt read in wine by my hand writ. | 20 |
When our lascivious toys come to thy mind, | |
Thy rosy cheeks be to thy thumb inclined. | |
If aught of me thou speak’st in inward thought, | |
Let thy soft finger to thy ear be brought. | |
When I, my light, do or say aught that please thee, | 25 |
Turn around thy gold ring, as it were to ease thee. | |
Strike on the board like them that pray for evil, | |
When thou dost wish thy husband at the devil. | |
What wine he fills thee, wisely will him drink; | |
Ask thou the boy, what thou enough dost think. | 30 |
When thou hast tasted, I will take the cup, | |
And where thou drink’st, on that part I will sup. | |
If he gives thee what first himself did taste, | |
Even in his face his offered goblets cast. | |
Let not thy neck by his vile arms be prest, | 35 |
Nor lean thy soft head on his boisterous breast. | |
Thy bosom’s roseate buds let him not finger, | |
Chiefly on thy lips let not his lips linger | |
If thou givest kisses, I shall all disclose, | |
Say they are mine, and hands on thee impose. | 40 |
Yet this I’ll see, but if thy gown aught cover, | |
Suspicious fear in all my veins will hover. | |
Mingle not thighs, nor to his leg join thine, | |
Nor thy soft foot with his hard foot combine. | |
I have been wanton, therefore am perplexed, | 45 |
And with mistrust of the like measure vexed. | |
I and my wench oft under clothes did lurk, | |
When pleasure moved us to our sweetest work. | |
Do not thou so; but throw thy mantle hence, | |
Lest I should think thee guilty of offence, | 50 |
Entreat thy husband drink, but do not kiss, | |
And while he drinks, to add more do not miss; | |
If he lies down with wine and sleep opprest, | |
The thing and place shall counsel us the rest. | |
When to go homewards we rise all along | 55 |
Have care to walk in middle of the throng, | |
There will I find thee or be found by thee, | |
There touch whatever thou canst touch of me. | |
Ah me! I warn what profits some few hours! | |
But we must part, when heaven with black night lours. | 60 |
At night thy husband clips thee: I will weep | |
And to the doors sight of thyself [will] keep: | |
Then will he kiss thee, and not only kiss, | |
But force thee give him my stolen honey-bliss. | |
Constrained against thy will give it the peasant, | 65 |
Forbear sweet words, and be your sport unpleasant. | |
To him I pray it no delight may bring, | |
Or if it do, to thee no joy thence spring. | |
But, though this night thy fortune be to try it, | |
To me to-morrow constantly deny it. | 70 |