James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Lyons, Lord, and mediation, 21; and Trent affair, 74, 78, 79. McClellan, G. B., on unpreparedness in Ohio, 30; on Ohio troops, 31; commands Army of the Potomac, 48; organization of army, 56–58; over-estimation of enemy, 57, 137; unjustifiable inactivity (1861), 58–62; Lincoln’s patience, 60; general command, 61; hard responsibility, 62; conceit, illness, 63; and Trent affair, 72; and Grant after Fort Donelson, 93; further loss of opportunity, 95; and Merrimac, 116; and plans against New Orleans, 118; Peninsular plans, 124; relieved of general command, Yorktown, 125; before Richmond, 126, 127, 133; never ready to attack, 131, 144; Fair Oaks, 131, 132; Lee’s plan against, 134; Seven Days, 135–144; why he failed, 138–142; dislike of fighting, 141; after Peninsular campaign, antipathy of Radicals, 158, 162, 163; Halleck rejects plans, army withdrawn from Peninsula, 159; failure to coöperate with Pope, 160; restored to command after Second Bull Run, 161–163; Blair on, 164; Antietam campaign, 168–170; inertness after Antietam, 179, 180; removed, 180, 181; as commander, 181; and succession to Hooker, 231; comparison with Grant’s Virginia campaign, 312; pressure for restoration (1864), 328; Presidential campaign, 335, 337–339. McClernand, J. B., Fort Donelson, 88–90; Shiloh, 102; Vicksburg, 251. McClure, A. K., on Lincoln and Grant after Shiloh, 108. McDowell, Irvin, Bull Run campaign, 37–42; and Peninsular campaign, 125, 126; and Jackson’s Valley operations, 129, 130; under Pope, 157. McGuire, Hunter, on Jackson at Chancellorsville, 214. MacGuire, Mrs. J. P., on scarcity of paper, 368. Mackay, Charles, on Trent affair, 73. Macon, Ga., and Sherman’s march, 403. McPherson, J. B., Vicksburg, 251; commands Army of the Tennessee, 314; killed, 332. Mahan, A. T., on conquest of New Orleans, 123; on Mobile Bay, 336. Maine, State election (1864), 338. Majority rule, as central idea of Civil War, 35. Malvern Hill, Battle, 143. March to the sea, planning, division of forces with Thomas, 398–400; beginning, 400–402; force, 402; spirit of troops, 402, 404; supplies, equipment, 402; progress, foraging, 403; lack of resistance, 403, 408; destruction, 404–406; pillage, 406; effect on slavery, 407; moral effect, 408; first news, capture of Savannah, 409. Marshall, John, on habeas corpus, 48. Maryland, and passage of Federal troops, 17–23; does not secede, 24; and Lee’s invasion, 164–166. See also Antietam; Border States. Mason, J. M., Trent affair, 70–83; leaves England, 285, 286. Massachusetts Eighth Regiment, arrival at Washington, 23. Massachusetts Sixth Regiment, Baltimore affair, 17–19; at Washington, 21. Meade, G. G., at Gaines’s Mill, 137; on McClellan, 144; on need of military leader, 157; on army in Antietam campaign, 168; on McClellan after Antietam, 180; and removal of McClellan, 180, 181; and succession to McClellan, 183; on Fredericksburg, on movements after Fredericksburg, 186; on Hooker, and succession to Burnside, character, 209; on restoration of morale, 210; on Chancellorsville, 212, 220; at Chancellorsville, 219; on retention of Hooker, 224; commands Army of the Potomac, 231–233; Gettysburg campaign, 233–245; and Pickett’s charge, 242, 244; failure to attack Lee in retreat, 245–247; loses aggressiveness, Lincoln’s confidence lost, 291, 292, 313; retains command under Grant, 304; on Wilderness campaign, 310 n., 312. Mediation and intervention, proposed (1861), 69; French offer, 201, 272; British plans, 268–270; French plans for joint, 271. Medicine, scarcity at South, smuggling, 366. Meigs, Montgomery, and Frémont, 53, 54; as Quartermaster-General, 84 n.; on fear of Merrimac, 117. Memminger, C. G., as Secretary of the Treasury, 395. Memphis, Tenn., capture, 124.