James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Bull Run campaign, first, clamor for advance, 36, 37; Lincoln’s idea and consultation, Federal plan, 37; Federal advance, Johnston eludes Patterson, 38; battle, 39–41; Davis and, 40; Federal retreat, 41; Lincoln and defeat, 42–44; strategy, courage and spectacle, 44, 45; effect, 45; effect on foreign affairs, 46, 66. Bull Run campaign, second, Pope’s command, 157, 158; Lee’s advance, 159; battle, 160; Washington after, 160–163; Lee’s invasion, 163. Bulloch, J. D., and Laird rams, 280, 284. Bummers, Sherman’s, 406, 425. Burnside, A. E., declines command of Army of the Potomac, 159, 162; commands it, 180; fitness considered, 182, 183; Fredericksburg, 183–186; subsequent action, 186; and superiors and subordinates, relieved, 207; comparison with Grant’s Virginia campaign, 313. Business, revival in North, 222, 330, 346; depression, 341. See also Commerce. Butler, B. F., “contrabands,” 49; at New Orleans, 123. Cabinet, crisis, 187–192. Cæsar, Julius, fame, and Lincoln’s, 438. Cairnes, J. E., on slavery, 261. Cameron, Simon, on unpreparedness, 31; as Secretary of War, 32, 84; and Frémont, 53, 54; and Trent affair, 71; negro-soldier recommendation, 84; dismissed, 85. Campbell, J. A., and Fort Sumter negotiations, 8; on deserters, 383; on civil administration, 393; Hampton Roads Conference, 417–419. Carlyle, Thomas, Southern sympathy, 277, 278. Carolina campaign, Sherman’s, natural difficulties, 422; destruction, 423, 424; pillage and outrages, 425–427; news, union with Schofield’s force, 427; surrender of Johnston, 437. Cassville, Ga., in Atlanta campaign, 315. Cattanach, Miss, acknowledgment to, vi. Chancellorsville campaign, Federal plan and advance, 211; Hooker’s boastful order, first day, 212; superiority of Confederate leadership, 213, 219–221; second day: Confederate plan for flank movement, 213; Jackson’s march and attack, 214–218; third day, 218, 219; Federal retreat, 219; effect on Lincoln, 221; on North, 222. Chandler, Zachariah, and McClellan’s inactivity, 60; and Meade, 210. Charleston, S. C., and secession, 1; blockade-running, 379, 380; evacuation, 424; destruction and want, 425. See also Sumter. Charleston Courier, on scarcity, 366–368, 375. Chase, S. P., on Trent affair, 83; and appointment of Stanton, 86; on Fort Donelson, 92; and Merrimac, 113, 117; and legal tenders, 146; sale of bonds, 148, 206; as finance minister, 149, 193; and Hunter’s emancipation order, 150; and McClellan, 159, 162, 180; and Pope’s campaign, 160; and Cabinet crisis, 190–192; character, and Lincoln, 193–195; and Hooker, 224; and Chattanooga, 295; Presidential candidacy (1864), 318, 319; on Wilderness campaign, 320; and fractional currency, 343–345; on financial breaking-point, 360. Chattanooga, Tenn., Federal occupation, 293; Bragg’s siege, 294; Lincoln’s conference on, reënforcement, 295; scarcity, Rosecrans’s irresolution, 296, 297; Thomas supersedes him, 296; reopening of supply route, 297, 298; Grant’s arrival, 297; battle, 298, 299. Chesnut, Mrs. James, on wrench of secession, 29; on early effect of blockade, 32; on Davis’s early misgivings, 35. Chicago Tribune, suggests Lincoln take active command, 222. Chickamauga campaign, Bragg’s turn on Rosecrans, Federal concentration, Confederate reënforcements, 293; first day, second day, Federal rout, Thomas’s stand, 294. See also Chattanooga. Cincinnati, O., alarm (1862), 176. Civil War, aggression, 16, 34, 35; Lincoln on central idea, 35; Critten’s resolution on purpose, 47; lack of reprisals, 438. Cobb, Howell, and enlistment of slaves, 417. Cockburn, Sir Alexander, on Alabama, 263–266. Coffee, price in North, 342; scarcity in South, 367. Cold Harbor, battle, 311. Collier, Sir R. P., and Alabama, 265. Colonization of negroes, project, 151, 174. Columbia, S. C., burning, 424. Commerce, between the belligerents, 357–359; barter in South, 385; prices there, 386. See also Blockade; Business; Railroads.