James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Army of the Cumberland. See Buell, D. C.; Rosecrans, W. S.; Thomas, G. H. Army of the Ohio, Schofield commands, 314. Army of the Potomac, named, 48. See also campaigns and commanders by name. Army of the Tennessee, origin, 97 n. See also Grant, U. S.; McPherson, J. B.; Sherman, W. T.; and campaigns by name. Army of Virginia. See Pope, John. Atlanta, Ga., destruction in, 401. See also next title. Atlanta campaign, strategy, 306; forces and commanders, conditions of contest, 314; Sherman and Johnston, policy of advance and retreat, 315; Federal communication and supplies, 316; New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Sherman and Thomas, 317; progress, 331; Hood displaces Johnston, his attacks, 332; capture of Atlanta, political effect, 337. Augusta, Ga., and Sherman’s march, 403. Aylett, W. R., on Armistead in Pickett’s charge, 241. Baker, E. D., death, 59 n. Ball’s Bluff, battle, 59 n. Baltic, Fort Sumter expedition, 12. Baltimore, riot against Federal troops, 17–19. Bancroft, Frederic, on recognition of Confederate belligerency, 64 n. Banking, national banks authorized, 204. Banks, N. P., defeat by Jackson, 128, 129; under Pope, 157; Port Hudson, 258. Barnard, J. G., and Gaines’s Mill, 136. Barter, in South, 385. Bates, Edward, and Trent affair, 81, 82. Beauregard, P. G. T., and Fort Sumter, 11–16; Bull Run, 37–42; Shiloh, 98–107; Corinth, 110. Beecher, H. W., on Frémont’s removal, 55. Belligerency, resentment of recognition of Confederate, 64, 65. Belmont, August, on business revival, 347. Benjamin, J. P., and Great Britain, 284; as Cabinet officer, 395. Bigelow, John, Jr., acknowledgment to, v. Blair, F. P., Sr., and Hampton Roads Conference, 417. Blair, F. P., Jr., and struggle in Missouri, 26; on pillage in Carolina march, 425. Blair, Montgomery, and Frémont, 51, 53; and Trent affair, 71; and McClellan, 162–164; on Pope, 164; belief in Sherman’s ability, 164; and Emancipation Proclamation, 174; on Hooker, 208. Blockade, proclaimed, 20; effect on Southern preparations, 32; effectiveness, 110, 380; and battle of Mobile Bay, 337; importance, 365, 380; and scarcity, 366; development of running, 377, 380; end of running, 414. Bolton, C. K., acknowledgment to, vi. Bonds, first Federal act, 47; 5–20s, 147, 148; issue of 1863, 203; popularity, 206; value (1864), 330; Southern, 384, 387. Border States, and compromise, 3; Lincoln’s problem, 6, 7, 10; secession, 20, 24–26; not seceding, 24, 26; and Frémont’s emancipation order, 53; and compensated emancipation, 150–152. Boston, Union Club, 205. Bounties, to volunteers, 291, 300; brokers, jumping, 300–302. Bragg, Braxton, on Shiloh, 106; invasion of Kentucky, 167, 177, 178; Stone’s River, 199; manœuvred out of Tennessee, 292; Chickamauga, 293–295; siege of Chattanooga, 294; defeat and retreat, 298, 299. Bright, John, on newspaper recrimination, 69; on Trent affair, 73, 81; and Emancipation Proclamation, 273, 274. Bristol, England, and Emancipation Proclamation, 273. British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, and Emancipation Proclamation, 275. Brooks, Phillips, on the war, 341; on hard times, 342; on period of defeat, 346. Brough, John, on critical financial condition, 360; as war governor, 361. Bryce, James, on Lincoln’s power, 355. Buckner, S. B., Fort Donelson, 91; Chickamauga, 293. Buell, D. C., Shiloh, 98, 104, 105; Perryville campaign, 177, 178; Morton’s antagonism, 178; relieved, 179.