James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Adams, Brooks, acknowledgment to, 284 n. Adams, C. F. [1], on British and Bull Run, 46; and recognition of Confederate belligerency, 64; on British sentiment (1861), 65, 66; and Trent affair, 75, 77; on need of a victory, 86; and British and blockade, 110; and Alabama, 263–266; and intervention, 270; on British and Emancipation Proclamation, 275; and Laird rams, 279–283. Adams, C. F. [2], acknowledgment to, 83. Adams, Henry, on first call for troops, 16; on regret at civil war, 29. Agassiz, Louis, on the army, 341. Agriculture, Northern, 347, 348; condition of Southern, 369; tithe and impressment there, 386–389. Alabama, secession, 5. Alabama, construction and sailing, 262–267; British atonement, 267. Albert, Prince Consort, and Trent affair, 74. Alexander, E. P., on Chancellorsville, 218; at Gettysburg, 238, 239. Alexandra, stopped, 279. Amusements at North, 342. Anderson, Robert. See Sumter, Fort. Andrew, J. A., on want of vigor (1861), 36; and Trent affair, 71; as war governor, 361. Antietam campaign, Lee’s invasion of Maryland, purpose, 163–166; Harper’s Ferry, consternation in North, 167; Lee’s plans disclosed to McClellan, South Mountain, Lee concentrates, 169; battle of Antietam, losses, Confederate retirement, inadequate Federal results, 170; and Emancipation Proclamation, 170, 189. Appomattox campaign, generalship, 429, 434 n.; forces, 430, 434; Lee’s plans, 431; final attack and evacuation of Richmond, 431–434; Grant’s pursuit of Lee, 434; surrender of Lee, 435; rejoicing, 436. Arbitrary arrests, in North, 348–350, 353–355; Democratic opposition, 353; comparison of Southern conditions, 393–395. See also Habeas corpus. Argyll, Duke of, and Emancipation Proclamation, 273. Arkansas, secession, 25. See also Border States. Armistead, L. A., in Pickett’s charge, killed, 241. Army, Confederate, early lack of materials, effect of blockade, 32; conscription, 95, 382; destruction essential to Federal success, 365; supply of munitions and arms, 377; desertion, 382–384; lack of food, 414; Lee General-in-chief, 415; enlistment of slaves, 417. Army, Federal, regulars (1861), 9 n.; first call, 16; lack of arms, 30; early and later character of men, 31, 302, 331, 341; response to first calls, Lincoln’s policy, 31; Russell on early condition, 36; first volunteer act, 47; Congress and Lincoln’s extra-legal call, 48; McClellan’s general command, 61; Stanton stops recruiting (1862), 142; call of 1862, Lincoln’s diplomacy, 155–157; search for a leader, Halleck General-in-chief, 157; Conscription Act, 202; draft, 287; draft riots, 287–291; bounties, brokers, jumping, 291, 300–302; call (Oct., (1863), 299; calls under act of 1864, 299, 328; difficulty in filling ranks, acceptance of draft, 300; development of generals, 302; Lieutenant-General, Grant commands, 303; failure to use breech-loading rifles, 355; Lincoln’s tribute, 357; danger in draft (1864), 361. Army of Northern Virginia. See Johnston, J. E.; Lee, R. E.