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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 50 John Bartlett

Clear a heaven so, an earth so calm, 725.
as a whistle, 351.
call for me, and one, 685.
cold depths, 820.
deep yet, 257.
fire and a clean hearth, 508.
in his great office, 118.
mown, space for liberty’s, 788.
the coast was, 40.
to, myself of cants, 583.
unconquerable cry, 814.
without strife, brook’s motion, 716.
Clearer than the noonday, 1008.
Clearing-house of the world, London, 799.
Clearly to show, cozy dimensions go, 750.
Cleaving to the dream, 815.
to the right and to the good, 686.
Cleon dwelleth in a palace, 718.
hath a million acres, 718.
Cleopatra died, since, 158.
nose of, 985.
Clergymen, men women and, 461.
Clerk foredoomed, 326.
me no clerks, 1053.
scarce less illustrious, 416.
ther was of Oxenforde, 1.
Clerks, greatest not the wisest, 3, 17.
Clever, it’s, but is it art, 852.
let who will be, 727.
man by nature, 457.
men are good, 581.
Clicked behind the door, 397.
Clients, nest-eggs to make, 215.
Cliff, as some tall, 397.
Cliffs rent asunder, like, 500.
sea roars and lashes the, 629.
Climate, cold, or years, 238.
Pilgrims fell upon an uncongenial, 751.
Climates, councils governments, manners, 668.
Climax, verging toward some, 839.
Climb, fain would I, 26.
how hard it is to, 428.
not a tall, 26.
out beyond the limitations of his character, 812.
Climbs as rarely falls, who never, 650.
Climber upward turns his face, 111.
Climbing sorrow, down thou, 146.
Clime, cold in blood, cold in, 549.
Crusaders from some infernal, 688.
deeds done in their, 459.
in every, adored, 334.
in every age and, 349.
in some brighter, 433.
in the eastern, 234.
our tongue is known in every, 629.
soft as her, 554.
to make a happy fireside, 449.
to ravage all the, 428.
Climes beyond the western main, 395.
cloudless, and starry skies, 551.
his elders do not know, 785.
humours turn with, 321.
Climes, in all, we pitch our tents, 846.
Cling, love must, 779.
the greenest mosses, 650.
to the eternal, 994.
Clink of hammers, 296.
Clip an angel’s wings, 574.
his morning nap, thought to, 720.
Cloaca of uncertainty, 985.
Cloak, martial, around him, 563.
not alone my inky, 127.
take thy old, about thee, 406.
when you sleep in your, 750.
Cloaked from head to foot, 674.
Clock, condition of being turned into a, 762.
like the finger of a, 420.
long hour by Shrewsbury, 88.
the varnished, 397.
worn out with eating time, 276.
Clod, to become a kneaded, 48.
Clog of his body, 221.
Cloistered virtue, fugitive and, 254.
Close against the sky, 592.
at home, beauty wrought lies, 650.
love that never found his, 668.
of one sad day, 831.
of the day, at the, 428.
our souls sit, 274.
the shutters fast, 420.
the wall up with our English dead, 91.
up his eyes and draw the curtain, 94.
yet lived she at its, 758.
Closes his beauty clouds and, 807.
Close-buttoned to the chin, 422.
Closeness, all dedicated to, 42.
Close-shorn sheep, 206.
Closet, do very well in a, 353.
Closing of an eye, yet the sweet, 700.
Cloth, cut my coat after my, 12.
to us, meat drink and, 959.
Clothe a man with rags, 1020.
my naked villany, 96.
Clothes, brushers of noblemen’s, 171.
meat fire and, 322.
nothing to wear but, 838.
through tattered, 148.
up he rose and donned his, 142.
walked away with their, 624.
wantonness in, 201.
when he put on his, 400.
Clothed and in his right mind, 1033.
in black or red, 1.
in so pure a loveliness, 680.
in sorrow’s dark array, 988.
Clothing the palpable and familiar, 504.
Cloud, a fast-flying, 561.
and foam, 775.
by day, 1005.
choose a firm, 321.
I thought that morning, was, 579.
in shape of a camel, 139.
is on thy brow, a, 653.
joy the luminous, 502.
lies around us like a, 700.
like a man’s hand, 1007.