
Home  »  Familiar Quotations  »  Conordane Index Page 51 John Bartlett

John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 51 John Bartlett

Cloud, nature is a mutable, 618.
of witnesses, 1040.
or sun, as comes to me or, 630.
out of the sea, 1007.
overcome us like a summer’s, 122.
sable, 243.
sits in a foggy, 123.
sky what a scowl of, 713.
so fades a summer, 434.
sun will pierce the thickest, 711.
that’s dragonish, 158.
the flying, 775.
through a fleecy, 250.
thrown on with a pitchfork, 292.
which wraps the present hour, 380.
will turn to rain, mist and, 647.
with silver lining, 243.
Clouds and changing skies, 573.
and closes, his beauty, 807.
are blowing, look when the, 819.
as they pass, 847.
castles in the, 357.
dark, along the horizon rolled, 613.
dropped down from the, 86.
dropping from the, 356.
have wept and died, 817.
he that regardeth the, 1023.
heavily in, brings the day, 297.
hooded like friars, 639.
impregns the, 233.
I saw two, at morning, 598.
looks in the, 111.
never king dropped out of the, 196.
no more through rolling, 539.
of glory, trailing, 477.
peaks most wrapt in, 543.
play i’ the plighted, 244.
robe of, throne of rocks, 553.
rolling, are spread, 397.
sees God in, 315.
sit in the, and mock us, 89.
smiles the, away, 550.
so cool and gray, 810.
spots and, in the sun, 189.
suns scorch and dark, lower, 610.
that gather round the setting sun, 478.
that loured upon our house, 95.
that shed May flowers, 233.
thy, dispel all other, 564.
warriors fought upon the, 112.
which seem pavilions of the sun, 631.
Cloud-capped towers, 43.
Cloud-capt mountain is a holy, each, 595.
Clouded sky, from out your, 613.
Clouding cares, 771.
Cloudless clear and beautiful, 553.
Clouted brogues, 160.
shoon, 245.
Clover, crowds of bees giddy with, 749.
Cloy the hungry edge of appetite, 81.
Cloyless sauce, sharpen with, 157.
Clubs typical of strife, 420.
Cluster, woes, 308.
Clutch the golden keys, 675.
thee, come let me, 119.
Coach and six, 1047.
Coach, come my, 142.
fly of the, 983.
go call a, 285.
oh for a, ye gods, 285.
Coach-house, a double, 507.
Coachmakers, the fairies’, 104.
Coal and salt, mines for, 563.
Coals of fire on his head, 1020, 1036.
Coarse, familiar but not, 369.
Coast of bliss, gain the, 597.
stern and rock-bound, 569.
to reach the distant, 416.
was clear, the, 40.
waves that beat our, 580.
Coat, after my cloth cut my, 12.
buttoned down before, 610.
herald’s, without sleeves, 87.
of many colours, 1005.
riband to stick in his, 707.
Coats, glittering in golden, 86.
hole in a’ your, 449.
Cobham, brave, 321.
Cobwebs, laws are like, 943.
out of my eyes, 976.
Cock, early village, 97.
on his own dunghill, 14, 896.
on the crowing of the, 127.
this is a, 974.
who thought the sun had risen, 730.
Cocks that will kill fighting, 920.
Cockle hat and staff, 405.
Cockles of the heart, 1045.
Cockloft is empty, often the, 222, 958.
Code, shrines to no, 562.
Codeless myriad of precedent, 670.
Coerce, breathed so potent to, 682.
Coffee makes the politician wise, 326.
Coffin, care adds a nail to our, 431.
Cofre, litel gold in, 1.
Cogibundity of cogitation, 285.
Cogitative faculties immersed, his, 285.
Cohesive power of public plunder, 529.
Cohorts were gleaming, 551.
Coign of vantage, 117.
Coil, not worth this, 78.
shuffled off this mortal, 135.
Coin, gold and silver not the only, 885.
is the sinews of war, 957.
pays him in his own, 293.
that purchases all things, 978.
Coins, authors grow dear like, 329.
hours are as a miser’s, 798.
Coinage of your brain, 141.
Coincidence, a strange, 559.
Cold and cruel winter, oh the, 646.
and unhonoured, 519.
as a cucumber, 197.
as any stone, 91.
blast at the casement beats, 714.
boughs which shake against the, 167.
ear of death, 384.
foot and hand go, 23.
friendship sounds too, 524.
in clime are cold in blood, 549.
indifference came, 301.
in the summer of her age, 276.
iron, meddles with, 211.
lest the bargain catch, 159.