
Home  »  Familiar Quotations  »  Conordane Index Page 49 John Bartlett

John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 49 John Bartlett

Church, who builds to God a, 322.
without a bishop, 598.
Churches and creeds lost in mists, 765.
chapels had been, 60.
Christian love among the, 682.
the cement of your, 851.
the scab of, 175.
with spire steeples, 504.
Church-door, wide as a, 107.
Church-going bell, 416.
Churchman be, would I that cowléd, 614.
Churchyard mould, 593.
sod, lying beneath the, 728.
stone, some beneath the, 608.
thing, a palsy-stricken, 575.
Churchyards yawn, when, 139.
Churl, chaff-threshing, 976.
Churlish, the reply, 72.
Chymist, fiddler statesman, 268.
Cicero, Demosthenes or, 459.
Cigar, give me a, 555.
is a smoke, a good, 853.
Cimmerian darkness, 513.
Cincinnatus ploughing in his field, 905.
Cinders ashes dust, 574.
Cinnamon, tinct with, 575.
Cipher too, he could write and, 397.
Circle, all of us live too much in a, 627.
grazes confines of space, whose, 756.
of the golden year, 668.
spreads, the desert, 507.
swinging round the, 866.
within that, none durst walk, 275.
Circled orb, changes in her, 106.
Circuit is Elysium, within whose, 94.
runs the great, 420.
Circuitous and obscure, 840.
Circulating library, 440.
Circumcised dog, 157.
Circumference, fatal, 785.
Circumlocution office, 701.
Circumstance allows, best his, 307.
breasts the blows of, 675.
creature of, 626.
lie with, 72.
of glorious war, 154.
slave of, and impulse, 554.
Circumstances alter cases, 586.
creatures of men, 626.
discordant harmony of, 409.
fortuitous, 494.
over which I have no control, 463.
Circumvent God, one that would, 143.
Cistern, wheel broken at the, 1023.
Citadel, towered, 158.
winged sea-girt, 541.
Cities, crowded, wail its stroke, 562.
far from gay, 345.
hum of human, 543.
of men and manners, 668.
of old time, 815.
remote from, lived a swain, 348.
seven, warred for Homer, 189, 194.
towered, please us, 249.
City, better than he that taketh a, 1019.
City, the first, Cain made, 261.
great, that with greatest man, 742.
is thy seat, a prostrate, 610.
long in populous, pent, 239.
of the great king, 1012.
of the soul, Rome the, 546.
that is set on an hill, 1030.
City’s jar, mine to feel amid the, 753.
Citizen of all the land, humblest, 843.
of the world, 633, 925, 950.
Citizens before man made us, 733.
fat and greasy, 67.
good Christians good, 529.
Civet, give me an ounce of, 148.
in the room, talk with, 415.
Civil discord, effects from, 299.
over violent or over, 268.
sea grew, at her song, 57.
so, that nobody thanked him, 373.
too, by half, 440.
Civilities of life, the sweet, 273.
Civility, I see a wild, 201.
Civilized man can not live without cooks, 779.
man, the truly, 826.
Civilizers of man, the two, 625.
Clad in blue and gold, 456.
in complete steel, 244.
in russet mantle, 127.
Claes, gars auld, 447.
Claim higher, Bourbon or Nassau, 288.
Claims of long descent, 667.
Clamorous faction gagged and bound, 788.
pauperism feasteth while honest, 696.
Clamours, Jove’s dread, 154.
Clap of thunder in a fair day, 266.
Clapper-clawing one another, 213.
Claret is the liquor for boys, 374.
Clarion, sound sound the, 493.
spring shall blow her, 565.
Clash by night, where ignorant armies, 753.
Clasp hands across bloody chasm, 698.
his teeth, drunkard, 34.
of things divine, 657.
Clasps, that book in gold, 104.
Claspéd hands, new Niobe with, 763.
Classic ground, 299.
Classics are always modern, the, 632.
Classical quotation, 374.
Clay, blind his soul with, 673.
Cæsar dead and turned to, 144.
if, could think, 483.
if we are only as the potter’s, 691.
love not ye hopeless sons of, 653.
of humankind, porcelain, 277.
porcelain of human, 558.
potter power over the, 1036.
tenement of, 267.
turf, that wraps their, 390.
Clean, keep, be as fruit, 264.
Cleanliness next to godliness, 359.
Cleanly, leave sack and live, 88.
Cleanness of body, 170.
Cleanse me, ye stars, 821.
the stuffed bosom, 125.