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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 41 John Bartlett

Canker and the grief are mine, the, 555.
care’s a, 802.
galls the infants of the spring, 129.
or cark, there’s a joy without, 822.
Cankers of a calm world, 86.
Cannibals that eat each other, 150.
Cannikin, why clink the, 706.
Cannon ball, brunt of, 211.
by our sides, 145.
to right of them, 671.
took off his legs, 594.
Cannon’s mouth, even in the, 69.
Cannon-balls may aid the truth, 718.
Cannot come to good, 128.
tell how the truth be, 487.
Canon ’gainst self-slaughter, 128.
Canonized bones, 130.
Canopied by the blue sky, 553.
Canopy, most excellent, the air, 134.
the skies, my, 316.
under the, 103.
which love has spread, 568.
Canst not say I did it, 122.
thou guide Arcturus, 1010.
Cant of criticism, 378.
of hypocrites, 378.
of tolerance Laodicean, 832.
Cants, clear myself of, 583.
which are canted, 378.
Cantankerous, you won’t be so, 441.
Cantilena of the law, 527.
Canting world, in this, 378.
Canvas drooping, that lay with, 727.
glowed beyond nature, 394.
of his time, the, 767.
unfurled, streamers afloat and, 623.
Cap, addressing myself to my, 984.
button on fortune’s, 133.
by night a stocking all the day, 397, 401.
of youth, riband in the, 142.
whiter than driven snow, 380.
Capability and godlike reason, 142.
Capable of nothing but dumb-shows, 137.
Capacity, soul discontented with, 512.
transcendant, of taking trouble, 584.
Cap-a-pe, armed at point exactly, 128.
Caparisons don’t become a young woman, 440.
Cape, round the stormy, 356.
Caper, provokes the, 442.
Capers nimbly in a lady’s chamber, 95.
Capital A, an earnest soul and a, 827.
Belgium’s, 542.
solicits the aid of labor, 532.
Capitol, drizzled blood upon the, 112.
who was ’t betrayed the, 280.
Capon, lined with good, 69.
Captain, becomes his captain’s, 158.
bold, 800.
but a choleric word in the, 48.
Christ, soul unto his, 82.
good, lost in an ill general, 968.
ill, good attending, 162.
jewels in the carcanet, 162.
Captain my captain our fearful trip, 744.
of complements, 106.
of my soul, I am the, 829.
of the sea, a boisterous, 392.
Reese, 799.
still of thine own fate, 829.
Wattle, ever hear of, 436.
Captains and the kings depart, 852.
Captive good attending ill, 162.
I, whether guest or, 841.
whose words all ears took, 74.
Capulets, family vault of all the, 412.
tomb of the, 412.
Car, drive the rapid, 424.
looked after the low-backed, 590.
rattling o’er the street, 542.
sat in the low-backed, 590.
Caravan, innumerable, 572.
the phantom, 954.
Carcanet, jewels in the, 162.
Carcase is, wheresoever the, 1033.
of Robinson Crusoe, 391.
Carcasses bleed at the sight of the murderer, 187.
Carcassonne, never have I seen, 993.
Card, clear conscience is a sure, 33.
he’s a sure, 277.
reason the, passion the gale, 317.
speak by the, 143.
Cards, old age of, 321.
patience and shuffle the, 975.
played for kisses, 31.
Care, a maiden fair to see take, 648.
and strife, to mingle in its, 696.
as light as a feather, 844.
begone dull, 870.
beyond to-day, 381.
cast away, 972.
deliberation and public, 227.
dost mock at fate and, 617.
draws in the trains of men, 111.
earliest latest, 377.
feed me with a shepherd’s, 300.
fig for woe, and a fig for, 9.
for me, if naebody, 449.
for nobody no not I, 427.
his useful, was ever nigh, 366.
I how chaste she be, 26.
I how fair she be, 26, 199.
I’m free from, 875.
in heaven is there, 28.
is an enemy to life, 74.
keeps his watch, 106.
lift her with, 595.
lodges where sleep will never lie, 106.
make pale my cheeks with, 199.
not, I may although I, 25.
of the sense, 782.
on the foolish fretting of our, 764.
or thought, all things without, 757.
punch with, 796.
ravelled sleave of, 119.
so wan with, 82.
that buy it with much, 59.
the least as feeling her, 31.
there’s neither cauld nor, 458.
to our coffin adds a nail, 431.