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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 42 John Bartlett

Care, we little we fear, little, 697.
weep away the life of, 566.
why are we fond of toil and, 991.
will kill a cat, 177, 199.
with judicious, 447.
wrinkled, derides, 248.
Cares and delicate fears, humble, 469.
are all ended, his, 90.
beguiled by sports, 394.
clouding, 771.
depressed with, 348.
dividing his, 455.
ever against eating, 249.
far from mortal, 534.
fret thy soul with, 30.
if no one, for me, 427.
nobler loves and nobler, 477.
of business, unembarrassed by, 898.
of gain, unvexed with the, 348.
old, 794.
’s a canker, 802.
that infest the day, 641.
unvexed with all the, of gain, 348.
whether it prevail or not, none, 757.
whose constant, 392.
Care-charmer sleep, 39.
Cared not to be at all, 226.
Career, is not quitting the busy, 716.
of his humour, 51.
Careful of the type, 675.
Careless childhood strayed, 381.
in deeds, be not, 941.
of my dress, I’m, 719.
of sunshine or storm, 784.
of the single life, 675.
rhyme, some, 810.
shoe-string, 201.
song now and then, 389.
their merits or faults, 396.
trifle, as ’t were a, 117.
Caress, naught but weakness in fond, 730.
sunshine’s divine, 848.
wooing the, 555.
Cark, there’s a joy without canker or, 822.
Carlyle, scolding from, 690.
Carnage, war and its deeds of, 744.
Carnegie, Johnnie, lais heer, 288.
Carol or weep, whether we, 664.
Carols as he goes, 394.
Carpet, beneath the crisp and wintry, 822.
knights, 187, 960, 969.
Carriage may ride, king in a, 664.
Carry Cæsar, you, 914.
gentle peace, right hand, 100.
Carrying three insides, 464.
Cart before the horse, 18.
now traversed the, 288.
sung ballads from a, 274.
Carved for many a year, names, 688.
head fantastically, 90.
not a line, we, 563.
with figures strange, 499.
Carver’s brain, made out of the, 499.
Carves it, Phidias, 620.
out his own fortune, 971.
Carving the fashion of a new 51.
Casca, the envious, 113.
Case as plain as a pack-staff, 172.
consider the reason of the, 278.
I am in, what a, 72.
stands, as the, 172.
when a lady is in the, 349.
Cases, circumstances alter, 586.
tenures and tricks, 143.
Casement beats, cold blast at the, 714.
slowly grows, 673.
Casements, charmed magic, 575.
Casey at the bat, 856.
Cash-box, beautiful eyes of my, 984.
Cashiering most kings and senates, 584.
Casius, old Mount, 228.
Cask, at the beginning of the, 880.
Cassio, I love thee, 152.
Cassius has a lean and hungry look, 111.
help me, or I sink, 110.
no terrors in your threats, 114.
should I have answered so, 114.
Cast beyond the moon, 11, 32.
bread upon the waters, 1023.
of thought, the pale, 136.
off his friends, 399.
saw seed which sages, 788.
set my life upon a, 98.
the darkness of the sky, 24.
to the ground, 771.
your pearls before swine, 1030.
Casts out fear, as love, 679.
Caste of Vere de Vere, 666.
Casting a dim religious light, 250.
Castle a man’s house is his, 24.
hall, the mistletoe hung in the, 589.
hath a pleasant seat, 117.
house of every one as his, 24.
my whinstone house my, is, 585.
wall, bores through his, 82.
Castles high and fair, make thy, 646.
in the air, 187, 976, 1046.
in the clouds, 357.
Castle’s strength will laugh a siege, 125.
Castled crag of Drachenfels, 543.
Rhine, dwelleth by the, 639.
Casualty, road of, 62.
Casuists, convocation of, 972.
soundest, doubt, 322.
Cat and a rat and a coward, 972.
care will kill a, 177, 199.
endow a college or a, 322.
hanging of his, on Monday, 1048.
harmless necessary, 64.
in the adage, like the poor, 118.
in the pan, 166.
is averse to fish, what, 381.
languishes loudly, a, 829.
lion look no larger than the, 682.
may look upon a king, 17.
monstrous tail our, has, 285.
nine lives like a, 16, 877.
watches a mouse, as a, 293.
when I play with my, 962.